"The Final Hand"

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'The last hand... both men had "full house", There is four of each card in deck, from ace to king, If you look at both men's hands, cheat is more obvious!, The next moment, game becomes argument, dah! The defendant's trick was exposed!, He took bottle in his hand... Poor Mr. Smith!'

 he had written down as best as he could, and took extra time written out the rest of the testimony, that was just full of lies at this point

'Ms. Orly! Why did you not tell the court about this from the very beginning!?'

apollo demanded, olga didn't say anything, and just stayed silent

"I thought I smelled a cover-up here... Well folks, it's time to throw back the covers!"

'Hmm... A full house is a very high-scoring hand. Not easy to make, in my experience.'

'That alone is enough to suspect less-than-scrupulous tactics'

apollo looked up at his mentor, ..not really understanding all of this

'Um... Mr. Gavin? What's a full house?'

payne over heard him and scoffed

'Lawyers these days... You don't know your poker?'

'I can't say this bodes well for your case... or career'

the judge commented, apollo blushed a bit red at being called out like that, he didn't poker so well, so sue him, geez..

"What is this, some kind of secret court poker ring!?"

kristoph held back a sigh as he explained what a full house was in poker

'...Justice. You know the terms "one pair", "two pair", and "three of a kind", yes?'

he had to think on that for a bit

'Uh, yeah! No problem! Two cards with the same number makes a pair, and three makes a three of a kind!'

'Good. Now picture a hand with one pair, and one three of a kind. That's a full house'

"Hmm... That doesn't sound very easy to make, does it"

payne then pointed at the crime photo

'You can see each player's hand in this photo.'

"Wow... They both have full houses!"

payen then smirked

'We forget, there's an easy way to make a full house... and go undefeated for seven years. You cheat'

the judge cleared his throat and interjected for two reasons, one, the move along the trial, and two, ...he could already see the rage building up the the defendant eye's

'Ahem. The defense may cross-examine the witness.'

"If he did cheat in the last hand, that still leaves one important question... Mr. Wright lost that hand. Who's ever heard of a professional con man losing when they cheat!?"

he read over at the testimony, ..he didn't understand how mr wright could figure things in five or less minuets, it took him 10 or even 20 sometimes, but regardless, he pressed her on her third  statement, he had a feeling on it

'How was it "clear"?'

'Dah, well... the defendant... ...he played a fifth ace!'

she said

'A f-fifth ace!?'

apollo stuttered out

'I still remember both hands very well. Mr. Smith's hand has three aces... ...and Mr. Wright's two.'

Klapollo Ace Attorney *Apollo justice*Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ