"The Journalist's Story"

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Apollo sighed as he stared down at his messy notes from previous cases, he had possible theories in his head, but he wasn't sure of what to do in this case, he felt lost, he took in a deep breathe and tried to think positive, this wasn't a first trial, if he was calm and able to handle the other cases, then he can do this one, he put away his notebook and turned his head at the sound of footsteps walking towards him and trucy

vera stood their silent as ever, clutching a sketchbook in her hands, apollo smiled politely as he gave her a little wave, knowing she wasn't the speaking type

'Good morning!'

Vera just simply stood their, staring at the two with a blank expression, trucy got up from her spot on the couch and put on her best smile

'So! You're... Vera, right? I'm Trucy! Trucy Wright! That's "Wright" with a "W"! Uh, but not "write", right?'

she giggled, hoping this would do something, but her efforts were in vain, trucy poked her cheek in thought

'Um! We're... on your side! You can tell us anything! ...Please?'

she said with puppy dog eyes, vera blinked at her and stared back the two of them again

'...... ...Good morning...'

apollo almost forgot she could speak, trucy smiled proudly to herself

'Hmm, not bad, not bad. But I think you'd do better with a little smile, you know? You're so pretty! You need to sell yourself, you know?'

Apollo gently placed a hand of her shoulder

'Trucy! Let's... take it easy for starters'

she suggested, vera blinked as she held onto her book a little tighter, she then opened it up and made a quick little doodle, and showed it to the both of them

'...... ...Thank you for taking my case...'

was all she said, trucy blinked at her in surprise as apollo slowly nodded

"Okaaaaay... Well, that's a start, I guess"

he watched as vera started playing with the nail polish

"There she goes with the nail polish again..."

Trucy clapped her hands together

'That's great, really! It's so cultured!'

Vera lifted her eyes

'............ ...Want to try...'

'Oooooh! Really!?'

apollo rolled his eyes at the two as he re-opened his notebook again

"The victim, Drew Misham, was a forger. And a stolen painting was found in his studio. A life of crime, really... ...And maybe one that led to his death"

apollo took in a deep breath as he opened up his notebook and pen, ready and waiting for anything useful he can use in court

'Well, we will now... er... *cough* Begin the, er, trial of... Vuh... Vuh... Vuh... Vera Misham!'

both of the defense team narrowed their eyes at the judge

'...Is the judge OK? His voice is all raspy, and he's looking around all nervous-like'

trucy muttered, Judge cleared his throat again

'Erm... ahem. The repercussions of today's trial will, most likely, be felt for a long time. ...And may, indeed, alter our legal system forever'

he said in a wary tone, klavier stood across from them, cool and composed as ever, but apollo had seen him crumble from time to time, but it was not an easy job

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