"A Night In The Part 2"

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'As soon as the killer raised his pistol, I took action, "Cease this at once, you two!" I cried... with composure, The victim turned in the direction of my voice... and a shot rang out, Whereupon our cowardly killer, the defendant, appeared to have become frightened,Tossing the pistol aside, he fled from the scene'

'I see... So you attempted to stop the crime'

stickler nodded at the judge

'Indeed. ...With composure'

'Well, maybe the criminal wouldn't have fired if he hadn't shouted like that'

trucy muttered 

'Th-That doesn't really matter now, unfortunately'

'Let us consider this new testimony, shall we? ...Observe the diagram, if you would. The witness... Mr. Stickler, was it? Stood here. He shouted, "Oh stop! Please!" or something of this nature. And the victim responded by looking in the witness's direction! If the killer were to have fired at just that moment... As we can see, the bullet would have struck the right temple, as in the report'

the judge nodded in agreement

'That does seem to be the case'

'Witness the power of a Junior in Ivy University's Department of Science!'

sticker said as he raised his hands up in a weird motion

'Very well, Mr. Justice, you may cross-examine the witness'

apollo read over the testimony in his notebook, ..when he got to the pistol moment, he saw something that was off, he had a hunch, and went for it, very carefully took out the pistol and said

'The record of the murder weapon is very clear about one thing: The fingerprints were "wiped" which means some trace of prints remained! Which contradicts your testimony! If everything happened as you say it did, he wouldn't have had time to wipe the pistol!'

stickler read a few pages in his book, then closed it as he pointed out

'...That may be. But it does not change what I saw. The killer... the defendant... He threw down the murderous weapon from his hand and fled;


'And this pistol was found at the scene of the crime. Strongly suggesting that this was the weapon he disposed of!'

klavier snapped his fingers together to create a rhythm

'That sounds solid to me. Well, Herr Forehead? Any of your precious "objections"?'

he asked, apollo blushed a tint red again as he was forced to bit back his tongue, because he had nothing else to say, trucy didn't understand why he got all quiet and said

'What gives, Apollo!? Let's see that voice training go to work!'

'You know, I've only recently realized something. No matter how much you train your voice, it doesn't matter if you have nothing to say'

she gawked at him

'What do you mean, "nothing to say"!? Isn't it obvious from what the witness just said?'

apollo looked at her with a confused expression

'Huh? Isn't what obvious?'

'When he re-stated what he saw just now, he said he saw Wocky drop a "murderous weapon". But that's not the same as being 100% sure of what Wocky threw away!'

she said, apollo's eyes widen slightly in realization, her father's skills must've rubbed off on her

'You're right!'

'He's just confused because a pistol was found at the scene! Poor Mr. Stickler... It must be hard to be so perfect, and yet so wrong'

she said with a little sass, she had learned from her father to be bold and to not be afraid, stickler jumped as he started to sweat a little

'W-Well! It can be said that I'm quite offended! While it is, indeed, true that once, in my youth, I wrote a love letter in my own blood that was seized by the teacher and posted on the blackboard for all to see, and for this the appellation "poor" might as well be prefixed to my name, yet as for the issue at ha--'

the judge cut him off before he could go on and on an on

'What we can say for certain is that the witness saw the killer throw "something"... Does the defense have anything to say about this?'

he asked, more so towards trucy

'Well, if what he threw wasn't a pistol...'

'Then it had to be something else!'

apollo concluded, klavier then chimed in as he teased a little

At least one person on the defense team seems to be thinking'

apollo jumped a little tease, blushed a tint red as he growled at him

"Grr... I'll wipe that smile off your pretty face, Gavin!"

'Perhaps you can inform the court as to the nature of this "something else"? What did the killer throw away before fleeing the scene?'

the judge asked, apollo glared at klavier, took in a deep breathe as he went back to the testimony, and the evidence they would at the park, ...then it hit him, ..the knife, he quickly took it out as he presented it to the court

'Is that... a sword? I saw one of those on the late night movie last night!'

"Great, a sleep-deprived judge..."

he thought to himself as he explained the meaning the knife

'This knife was found at the scene of the crime... with the defendant's prints on it'

'His prints!'

the judge repeated, apollo nodded

'This single piece of evidence proves two important things: One, that what the defendant threw down wasn't a pistol. Two, that the defendant wasn't wearing gloves!'

the judge nodded in agreement

'Hmm... Indeed!'

klavier however, had some other words to say

'Oh, Herr Forehead? You're forgetting two other things you've just proven'


'One, that the man the witness saw was the defendant, Mr. Wocky Kitaki. Two, that the defendant was holding a knife, with the intent of harming the victim!'

apollo looked at him dumbfounded


'Hmm... Indeed!'

apollo blushed a little red and glared again when it saw klavier grinning at him

"Grr... Never underestimate a Gavin is the lesson here"

the judge then banged down his gavel

'This court is of the opinion that our witness is fond of making assumptions. In that light, I believe it would behoove us to hear about what really occurred... ...with less assuming, please!'

stickler flipped through the pages of his books

'It is always the same with you people. "Mark left the house on foot, and five minutes later, his brother left after him. How long would it take for Mark's brother to catch up to him... ...assuming that Mark never had to stop for a traffic light!" "Assuming"... Yes, that's what I said. "Assuming"! As if that were a probable situation at all! Yet here you are "assuming" that my "assumption" is no better-'

the judge cut him off polietly

'Ahem. What this court "assumes"... ...is that the witness will testify as to what happened after the shot was fired!'

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