"The Slipper Print And The Unexpected Love Story"

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after they left the clinic, they called the police, and went off to the people park to speak with ema, she grinned when she saw their facial expressions

'I know that face. That's the face of someone who's made... a discovery!'

'Hey, how did you know?'

she crossed her arms, her grin getting wider

'You can't fool someone trained in the ways of science!'

"Next she'll have us analyzing face prints..."

he thought to himself, then took out the slippers from his bag

'Ah, the slippers... That's quite a clear print there. ...A toe print'

trucy pouted as she huffed in disappointment

'Too bad we don't know whose toe it is'

'Well, there is a way of finding out, of course'

apollo shot his head up at her, now feeling much more hopeful then before

'There is!? What?'

'All you need is a sample of the same toe print, off another shoe, for instance'

'Oh, right. So if the prints matched, you'd know the same person wore both'

"Hmm. Do I have another shoe worn by the same person?"

apollo went back into his bag, then remembered, the other shoe

'I think I just might, actually'

ema raised her brow


"I'm beginning to suspect something here..."

'Detective Skye! Can you compare this sample with this other print?, This pair of sandals, toe print and all'

ema eyes twinkled in excitement as she took the sandals, examining the print

'Ooh! The print on these is nice and clear, too. That makes our job easy'

'Can you analyze it for us?'

she nodded

'Of course! Hang on...'

she took the powder and started to work her magic, she grinned at her work

'Bingo! Gosh, I'm good'

"Hey, we were the ones who found the prints..."

apollo thought bitterly to himself, but didn't dare say it out loud, and piss off the one detective who was willing to help them out

'A perfect match! The same person wore these sandals and slippers!'

he grumbled a little

'I was afraid of that...'

'All you have to do is find out who these sandals belong to! Or... do you already know?'

she asked, apollo shrugged nervously

'I... can't say. Not yet'

"Well, that's one big step closer... ...to the truth!"

he thanked her for helping them out, and then made their way back to the detention centre to speak with wocky

'Don't cry angel, Daddy's back and Daddy's... ...Oh. You again'

he grumbled, disappointed, apollo blinked as he gave him a weird lok

Klapollo Ace Attorney *Apollo justice*Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin