"Body Disappeared Which Was Completely Ema's Fault"

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apollo would admit this, he wasn't entirely sure on either or not this was okay to talk about or not, considering he sighed a legal document from Klavier and promised to keep things under the low, but on the other hand, ..he had some strange feeling to tell her, after all, if his lasts word were siren, and if she was a witness...

'"Siren"... It turns out that's a very important word in this case'


trucy asked, just as much in the dark as Lamiroir was

'When we found Mr. LeTouse... ...he was still alive'


Lamiroir said speechless

'I heard him say something... ...his last words'

apollo had explained what their last conversation was, trucy crossed her arms

'He said "siren"... Really?'

'I was the only one there to hear it... ...but I'm sure that's what he said!'

he insisted

'Mr. LeTouse said that!? "Ask the witness"...?'

'And you're the Siren, Lamiroir'

Lamiroir went silent, apollo narrowed his eyes at her

'Did you see what happened?'

apollo thought it was strange for her to be silent, if she was innocent, why bother keeping quiet, he then remembered something else, he took out the brooch from his pocket and showed it to Lamiroir

'That reminds me... Does this brooch look familiar to you?'

'My brooch... yes! Well... It may be mine'

'Yours, Lamiroir...?'

she nodded

'I was wearing a brooch earlier, you see. I must have lost it'

'Well that explains the brooch we found. It was Lamiroir's!'

trucy said, trying to bring up their hopes

'Thank you. I was wondering where I'd dropped it'

Trucy smiled, but then noticed the skeptical look on apollo's face

'Is something wrong, Apollo?'

she asked, apollo ignored her as he wasvery deep in thought, Lamiroir even seemed to notice


'Might I ask, are you with the police?'

'Uh, well, no. I'm a defense attorney'

he explained

'An attorney? Yet there have been no arrests, yes?'

'...Is that a problem?'

he asked, ..apollo was gonna be honest, he wasn't entirely sure, he only had been doing this attorney stuff for a few months, and only had to trial experience, with only one investigation experience

'Does an attorney not work for a "client"? If you have no client, you should leave the investigation to the police, I think'

thought she said it in a very polite tone of voice, apollo got the message loud and clear "go away"

'But Lamiroir, we-'

trucy was cut off 

'I am sorry, but I cannot answer your questions. I'm afraid you lack the authority to ask them'

Apollo gritted his teeth in frustration, but she made a very valid point

'I believe we are through here

Apollo huffed in irritation

'...I believe so'

the two turned on their heels and walked out, going into the backstage hallway, where they had a rude awaking

'Whoa! Who's there now!?'

apollo cried out, but calmed down when he saw who it actually was

'Ah, it's you. ...Where were you!?'

she demanded apollo would've glared but she already looked like she was in a bad mood, and more grumpy then usual

'Ack! Ema! ...Is something wrong?'

'You bet something's wrong! The impossible's happened! Arrgh! It's all your fault, you know!'

'my fault?!, listen here lady i--

'What do you mean by "impossible"?'

trucy said, cutting them both off, apollo glared as he gritted his teeth at her, sure, blame him, as if he was supposed to be the one in charge of the crime scene

'Well it's gone! Utterly gone!'

'...What's gone?'

trucy asked calmly, ema without thinking spat out

'The body, stupid! What else?'

trucy gave her a warning look

'watch it!, don't call me stupid!'

Trucy warned, ema backed up a little, so doubt her father had taught her how to be scary, and she got the feeling trucy wasn't all just show, she could probably throw her up the wall if she wanted to, apollo eyes widen as he just processed what ema had said

'wait!?, what?!, Mr. LeTouse's body has disappeared!'

ema nodded once, giving him a "all your fault look", apollo shot back a "it is not" look, while trucy eyes widen in surprise, the news finally hitting her, ...a head body disspaeared

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