"Not So Friendly Meeting Behind Bars"

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'Well well, isn't this an unexpected surprise? What errand brings you down to my cramped confines?'

kristoph said in a poliet tone, phoenix glared as he simply spat back 


kristoph simply scanned him up and down as he fixed up his glasses

'...You look well, Phoenix Wright'

'and you look like shit'

he didn't comment on that, kristoph simply shrugged as he looked at him

'Life has been full of surprises... for both of us'.

he commented, phoenix didn't replay back

'I've no doubt you never expected to face off against William and paul in court, and also have your fill-in lose that attorney's badge of his'

Phoenix fist clenched as he shot back 

'yeah?, will i fucking bet you never expected to wind up here, "Shadi Smith" was the name of the man you killed. Did you know who he really was?'

Kristoph raised a brow at him

'Who he was...?'

Phoenix rolled his eyes

'cut the bullshit!!, Zak Gramarye, the defendant from seven years ago!!'

Kristoph crossed his arms, but kept his calm composure

'...... I remember him, of course. But you say Smith was Zak? Impossible'

'oh Don't even you try and fucking tell me it was a coincidence, I'm not an idiot gavin!!'

he simply shrugged

'...What did I just say? Life is full of surprises. Don't you think?'

he growled

'After that trial, you were arrested and found guilty by me and justice, But your motive was never made clear, A mistake I plan to fix'

Kristoph fixed his glasses as he looked at him

'...at the current moment, You're not an attorney Phoenix Wright, What possible conclusion do you think this "investigation" of yours can lead to? I killed a man named "Smith" with a bottle because I am an evil human being. ...Isn't that enough?'

phoenix gave him a dark look, his deep blue eyes darting right into gavin's black soul

'if i was that stupid to believe something like, i would have never been the top lawyer in the whole district'

he spat out, but then asked him

'you remember the trial, seven years ago'

'Ah, yes. The trial where Zak Gramarye pulled his famous vanishing act! My brother won his fair share of praise and adoration for that trial, as I recall. "Genius Prosecutor Reveals Crooked Attorney", was it?'

'...That was when I met you, wasn't it?'

'Was it now'

he replied back, phoenix hmphed

'The Bar Association review board voted unanimously for the "strictest punishment". Unanimous, save for one dissenting opinion. Yours'

'...... It was my brother who was responsible for putting poppet in that position, after all'

Phoenix eyed him

'For seven years we've known each other..., we were friends basically...'

Kristoph shook his head

' come now Wright, your "friendship" toward me was never pure, You suspected me then as you still do now, don't you?'

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