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the video played as clear as day in the court, from lamioirs beautiful siren-like voice, and klavier's guitar catching up on flames, when the video ended at that part, daryan doubled over, shaking his head, and glared over at apollo, glee and smugness playing into his cold eyes

'...Ah ha ha ha ha! Too bad, so sad... punk!'

Apollo eyes hardened, but his anxiety betrayed him


trucy nudged him lightly

'First you were "Sleeves", then "kid", now "punk". You're losing rank fast, Apollo!'

apollo shushed her as the judge spoke up

'What exactly were we supposed to see in this video?'

Klavier's face was as smooth and hard as ever, you would've had to squint your eyes to see just how pissed off he was

'...The problem isn't in what we "see". Correct, Daryan?'

he said in a steady voice, daryan grinned widened

'Right. It's what you hear. We are musicians after all'

apollo stared at the two, annoyed and confused

'...Care to explain for us non-musicians?'

daryan flashed his shark white teeth

'Sure thing, punk. Let me get your yarn straight first: You're saying I ordered the wee pianist to set off that igniter? That right?'


apollo answered back a little hesitant

'Well in order to do that, he'd have to press a switch. Am I right?'


'Well, take another listen. Pay attention to the piano'

Apollo stared back at the screen


as the video began to play again, apollo eyes widen in despair, ..he realized what the problem was, the jduge on the other hand was slow on the uptake

'What seems to be the problem there? The piano sounded just fine'

'And that's the problem! Man, you still don't get it?'

apollo bowed his head, nervously fighting with his bracelet

'Yeah. How's he supposed to hit that switch if he's playing? You've got Ms. Diva, the guitar, the bass, the piano, and the drums... The only one with her hands free was the diva!, But according to you... ...she couldn't have been the accomplice, could she?'

Apollo fumbled on his words, not looking from his bench, daryan couldn't stop the grin plastered onto his face

'Your accomplice would have had a hard time helping out... ...if they couldn't even press a switch!'

"The piano plays non-stop! He couldn't have pressed that switch...!"

apollo thought nervously to himself, gripping his rolled-up sleeve tighter in his palm, the judge stared down at him

'Well, Mr. Justice? The piano does seem to be playing when the guitar catches fire'

apollo felt his cheeks turn a very light shade of pink as he tried to think of something


even worse, daryan was taunting him with fake sympathy

'It's OK. We all make mistakes sometimes'

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