"Miles And Phoenix's New Hatchling"

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"Seven Years earlier ago, flashback into the past"

phoenix frowned when he saw the little girl staring down at the floor, her hat was covering her face, and she was using her cap to hide, he played with his locker for a little before he got down on his knees, getting on the same eye level as her she would be less intimidated, ..he was just going to wonder if she would say yes or not, ..he had already discussed it with miles, he was fine with it as long as trucy was okay with everything

'hey,  trucy, you doing okay their kid?'

she didn't say anything, but phoenix saw the tiniest little nod from her

'you might remember me, my name is phoenix wright, i was the person your father played cards with'


'i know you're going through a lot right now, but we need to talk about this, you don't have to speak, you could just nod your head, okay?'

she nodded again

'while taking it slow with the questions, and if it gets too much I'll stop and let you breathe, we're going at your pace, i don't want to overwhelm you


'it's been about 2 weeks since your father vanished, ..we need to think about your living situation'

she nodded, showing she was understanding

'i did some calling and searching, ..i'm so sorry trucy, but i couldn't find any living relatives of yours'

she bowed her head further at his words

'..what i'm going to say next is completely up to you, you don't have to agree to anything at all, ..do you need to a moment before i tell you?'

she shook her head

'okay, ..you could either go to an orphanage, ..or i could take you in and raise you, ..or at least until we find your father, ..do you understand trucy?'

he asked very gently, ..she didn't nod or shake her head

'i know this is very overwhelming, the choice is completely yours, we can go wherever you like--'

'...Mr. attorney, daddy told me about you'

she finally said, looking up at him, she didn't move her head, but he could see her blue hue eyes, then very slowly, tilted up her head at him

'he said i could trust you'

'..he did?'

she nodded

'...so if i stay here, does that mean you'll be my family'

phoenix held back his surprised expression as best as he could, never in his life did he ever meet a kid like trucy, ..but he wasn't about to complain either

'..if that's what you truly want then yes'

'..um mr attorney..'

'you can call me nick if you want, or whatever really'

trucy beamed as she smile brightly

'okay, I'll call you daddy!'

phoenix blinked at her

"..that was way too fast, ..should I get her a child therapist?"

'..only if you're comfortable with it, then it's fine, anyways, you were saying?'

'oh yeah, I move here, I have to switch schools, right?'

he nodded

'and this office?, It's like a really fancy library, it's pretty but maybe we should add in some toys and magic tricks, you know, to make it more entertaining'

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