"The Dark Clinic"

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trucy suggested they try out eldoon's house again, apollo figured why not and agreed to go, their might be something that they both must've missed while investigating last time, while walking, they both noticed mr eldoon, trucy waved as she cried out

'Hey, it's Mr. Eldoon! Oh Mr. Eldooooon!'

the man raised his head up at them


'What's wrong?'

she asked, cocking her head to the side

'...So, you found my stand. That's why I'm here. To thank you'

he said, despite the fact their wasn't a smile on his face, trucy could tell he meant it

'But now it's a crime scene and they won't let me have it back!!! That's also why I'm here. I got no other place to go'

he said looking a little down, playing on his recording for a split second:

'Ah... I see'

apollo said

'How can a noodle stand be a crime scene, that's what I don't get, Trucy-doll! Even in death he's after my neck, I tell ya! Bah! Can't even cook an honest noodle...'


'"Even in death"... You mean the victim, Dr. Meraktis?'

trucy asked, eldoon crossed his arms as he leaned in forward towards them

'I tell ya. It's enough to drive a man to make his soup even saltier'

"Remind me never to eat his noodles when he's in a bad mood..."

'That stand... For generations, it's served up the very best noodles us Eldoons could make. A tradition of noodles and salty broth. It's more than a stand, it's history, I tell you'

"Watch what you say or it might become true..."

apollo thought to himself, trucy however, felt in-different then apollo

'That's a great story, Mr. Eldoon! A single stand, passed down from generation to generation!'

'Course, to be honest... I didn't plan on doing it'

he admitted, trucy then remembered

'That's right. You said something about that. About you "rebelling" against your pops, was it?'

he grinned

'Good memory, Trucy-doll. Aye, I was a go-getter back in my day... Until my friend next door butted in. In the end, I was left with nothing but this dusty old stand to earn my fortune'

'Mr. Eldoon, I don't mean to pry... ...but what exactly did you do before you became a chef?'

he asked polietly, eldoon crossed his arms as he pouted

'Bah! Let old noodles lie, that's what I say.'

"I'm starting to get an idea of what he did, anyway"

'He stole my dreams and left me with nothin' but noodles. And now I don't even have that!'

he cried out, apollo thought for a moment, ..but then decided to ask

'Mr. Eldoon, if I might ask... What exactly happened between you and the Meraktis Clinic?'

eldoon looked at him

'Eh? Eh!?'

apollo felt himself getting anxious as he admitted

'I couldn't help but sense enmity there...'

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