"Phoenix's Own Investigation"

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"Seven Years earlier ago, flashback into the past, Lobby, next day"

'Hey, you there. Sir! Down on the hands! Floor on your head! Now now now!-'


phoenix yelled, rubbing his ears, the man shuddered but regained his composure

'N-No unauthorized personnel aren't allowed in here!'

'But that would mean all unauthorized personnel are allowed dipshit!!'

phoenix yelled out, the man yelped as he was yanking the handcuff that was tired to a band around his neck

'Zoooooooooooooooooooink!? ...I just say it like it is sir! And it's usually wrong. Thrown out of the precinct... lost my friends, my girl and even my wallet'

he said miserably, phoenix blinked at him

'..aren't you that wired-ass cop from the lana skye case two years ago?'

he shook his head as he saluted

'No recollection of that, sir!'

phoenix blinked at him, that case was so crazy that it was literally impossible to forget

'you don't remember being stabbed by a person who was pretending to be a detective?!!'

'For me, "working on a case" is always in the present progressive tense, sir! There is no past! There is only now! Sir!'

Phoenix groaned in annoyance, he felt a migraine coming on already 

'whatever, shut up, so what are you now the bailiff?'

'Yes sir! Court Baliff Mike Meekins at your service, sir!'

Phoenix sighed, this was gonna be a very long dreadful day

'I've asked to meet with the bailiff at this court who let the magician escape'

meekins eyes widen in fear

'Let me try to make this as absolutely clear as possible for you, sir! It was meeeeeeeeeeeee! Sir'

Phoenix stared at him

'you were a regular police officer once right?!!'

Meekins frowned as he sniffled

'...... Sometimes bad things happen to good people, sir'

Phoenix  narrowed his eyes at him

"..he's acting off, their's more to this"

'you were in charge of security at the time of the vanishing?'

he asked carefully, studying his body language 

'I'm. Dying. Over. Here! Oh! Ohh! It's a hard knock life, sir! Thrown out of the precinct... lost my friends, my girl and even my wallet'

'that's not what i asked!!, answer my question!!'

meekins shuddered but quickly regained his composure

'Why yes, I'd say it was around 2:00 PM when I heard a commotion in court. I opened the door to see what might be amiss. The door slams open! Slam! And some guy's face is right there in front of me! Face!'

'you saw someone suspicious coming your way?'

meekins nodded as he slammed his fist into his other hand

'Yes! And I, being a bailiff of little standing... I gave chase! I chased that silk hat all the way down the hall, sir!'

Phoenix pulled out his notebook and flipped to a certain page, showing it to meekins

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