"More Clues"

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after speaking with ema, the two finally started their investigation, they weren't sure on where to start yet, well, for apollo he wasn't sure

"There's got to be a good clue or two around here..."

suddenly trucy pulled at his sleeve as she pointed at the trash can, she had a good feeling about it, last time, they found the car mirror inside of the outside trash can, who's to say their wasn't anything in that one

'You and your trash cans! Go ahead, knock yourself out'

apollo rolled his eyes at her teasing tone of voice

'Huh? L... Look! Another pair of underwear!?'

he nearly dropped it out of disgust, trucy beamed at his work

'Wow, Apollo! You're a genius at finding panties!'

'Stop saying that. Wait, these aren't...?'

she looked at them closer, and realized

'Th-They're not mine!'

"Could these have been stolen, too?"

trucy took the panties out of his hand as she put them away into her pocket, after that, they started to look around more, apollo noticed something that was stabbed into the ground

'It's... a knife!'

'A "shiv" to be precise'

ema corrected

'Ooh... lingo!'

'The defendant, Wocky Kitaki, is the son of known gangsters. The police are assuming this belongs to him'

"Wait, but wasn't the murder weapon a pistol...?"

'Huh? Look at this, there's a handprint on this shiv...'

he said as he examined it, ema smirked as she put on her pink glasses

'A handprint? Then there might be a fingerprint. Let's investigate!, Right! First, choose the fingerprint you want to examine'

apollo wasn't sure on what she was talking about

'...Choose a fingerprint?'

'Look closely at the handle. See? There's more than one fingerprint there'

both of their eyes widen

'Those black spots?'

she said, ema nodded

'That's right. Pick the one you want to analyze'

apollo just picked the blackest one, thinking it would be easier, ema's grin widened as she took out the powder, ..it's been awhile she she had lost down this

'right! Let's get detecting!'

"Wow, she's practically glowing with excitement..."

he thought to himself, as ema started showing them how the powder worked

'First, sprinkle some aluminum powder over the print. Just touch the screen, like this. See? The oil left by the print absorbs the aluminum powder, so you just dust it on... ...and blow it off!'

trucy squinted her eyes at it


'It's like whistling. You know how to whistle, don't you? Just put your lips together...'

she demonstrated for them, put the powder on her hand, then blew it off, apollo just took notes as trucy looked fascinated

'Wow! Amazing! It's like magic!'

'Heh heh. Isn't it though?'

"Right, let's give it a shot!"

apollo thought to himself, ready as ever

'Incidentally, it's important that you cover the entire fingerprint with the powder'

apollo nodded as he did as told

'Hmm, good... clear... Quite impressive! Next, to match the print. The police office has samples so you can tell whose finger this print belongs to'

'Hmm... That doesn't sound like as much fun as actually finding the print'

he said

'OK, pick the person whose print you think this is. You probably have a good idea whose knife this is already'

the only person apollo could think about comparing the knife with was his client, ..he reluctantly did so, ..and to his misfortune, the prints belong to the defendant ..

'So... the fingerprints do belong to the defendant'

he said grimly, ema nodded

'Yes! Isn't it amazing? Ah, the power of science. It's my life'

the two just looked at her as she went about how amazing it was

'Apollo, she's... sparkling'

'And I'm dimming'

he said bitterly

'Look sharp, spirits up. The real fight is yet to come!'

trucy nodded

'Chin up, Polly!'

"The trial hasn't even started and I'm already losing...."

ema then looked down at her watch, then back at them

'So... have you met the defendant?'

apollo eyes widen as he shook his head, that was the one thing he forgot to do

'Ah. Uh... No'

'Visiting hours are almost over at the detention center. You might think about wrapping up here and heading over'

she warned, apollo nodded 

Good idea 

"I don't know what good it will do. We have a witness, and a knife with prints... Have I mentioned I've got a bad feeling about this?"

when she saw how worried apollo looked about the trial, she smiled at him encouragingly

'Don't worry, you'll be fine, after all, Mr. Wright wouldn't have picked you to work for him if you weren't worthy of his time, believe me, that man has great judgement of character, and it's not easy to gain his trust at all'


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