"Insane Possibilities"

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everyone turned their heads to the witness stand, the source of where the objection was raised, surprisingly, it was phoenix, who looked as serious as ever, apollo had no words, ..why was mr wright objecting?!, he was about to get off free!!

'M-Mr. Wright...'

he mumbled, phoenix looked at him once, then looked back up at the judge, who was just as surprised as everyone

'your not ending the trial your honer!'

even payne had no words

'What nonsense is the defendant spewing now!?'

phoenix then shot a glare at him

'for once in your life payne, get your head out of your smug ass and think!!, One of the cards had a different colored back, aren't you wondering what that means?!'

'OBJECTION!!, Wh-What are you doing, Mr. Wright!? Raising objections right when you're about to get off the hook!? Ridiculous'

'Mr. Payne, you of all people should know... Mr. Wright has a talent for taking matters into his own hands! and once he demands something, he won't let up'

he then banged down his gavel

'Perhaps we should get to the bottom of things. Let's clear up the facts about the game that fateful night'

apollo had no idea what to think, ..what was mr wright doing?!, and why?!

'as we said before We alternated between two decks of cards that night, The two decks at the club have different colored backs, Blue and red. One color per deck'

'Why use different colored backs?'

apollo asked, writing this down in his notebook as fast and neatly as he could

'If we used the same color, the two decks might get mixed, even though that shit still happened'

apollo mentally agreed with him on that

'We used the red deck for the last game'

the judge nodded

'Hmm... I see. But... that's odd. For some reason... I have this impression that you were using the blue cards!'

"Yeah, me too... I'm sure someone said something about blue cards..."

payne then interjected

'Whatever. In the end one card of the wrong color got into the mix... Which means there was cheating.'

phoenix rolled his eyes at him

'whatever smug-ass just said here is correct, yes, a card slipped into the deck would indicate cheating, but this card raises two serious questions. ...Apollo?'

apollo quickly straightened up his back when he felt mr wright's terrifying beautiful eyes glare into his own brown ones


'In the last game, when was the card swapped?'


phoenix explained further

'There are three possibilities here, It could have been swapped before the murder, during the murder or after the murder'

'Well, yeah! Thanks for the news bulletin, Mr. Wright! Of course it was swapp--'

phoenix shot him down with a death glare, payne shuddered as he backed down at once

'yeah that's what a fucking thought!!, i was asking apollo on his thoughts on the situation, so unless your apollo, SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!'

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