"Apollo's First Client Alone"

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apollo had no idea what to expect when he met his first ever client on his own, ...but he wasn't expecting this of all things, ..first all, the guy was wearing a noddle bowl on his head, and his blond hair looked so much like noodles apollo was almost convinced it was actual noddles, and a part of him still was, and his outfit in general was just very strange

'Hey hey hey! How long you planning on making me wait, eh!?'

he greeted rudely, crossing his arms at them, thought apollo thought his client was strange, trucy however, acted as normal and welcoming as ever, as if nothing about his man was wired

'Ah! Good morning!'

the man didn't change his expression, but spoke to her a bit nicer then he did before

'Hey there, Trucy-doll. Sounds like your pops had a bit of a rough spot, eh?'

'All's well that ends well, I guess...'

"This... is our client?"

'Hey! So this is that Pollo fellow, eh?'

apollo jumped a bit as he nodded

'Oh, uh, y-yes?'

"The name's "Apollo""

he thought bitterly to himself

'Look at 'im there, arms all crossed-like. Ready to fight!'

apollo nodded, ready as ever, ...just not literally

'Yes, sir! ...You don't mean that literally, do you?'

he asked, if he wanted to actually fight, ...he might need to get mr wright here for help, the man brushed off his question as he said

'The boss told you what I need, right? Don't let me down now, Pollo!

he said, apollo nodded confidentially as he promised him

'Don't worry about your defense sir, I'm on it!'

'Defense...? Your noodle half-cooked? It's too late for defense! My castle's been stormed! My keep's been kept! My noodle stand's been stolen!'

he cried out, ..apollo didn't really now what to say to that


'ou know Mr. Eldoon from the noodle stand, don'cha, Polly?'

trucy said, apollo cringed at the nickname

'No nicknames, please. And no, of course I don't know him!'

the man narrowed his eyes at him

'you new to these parts?'

'Not really...'

'Then you know the best noodles in town: Eldoon's Noodles!'

he exclamined proudly, apollo however, was still very confused

'Uh, whose noodles?'

'This is Mr. Guy Eldoon... our client! Maybe you can tell us what the problem is, Mr. Eldoon?'

trucy asked very polietly, the man grimaced at her

'Anything for you, Trucy-doll!'

apollo mentally thanked her for the help as he started to ask him questions

'So... You run a noodle stand, Mr....'

he trailed off

'Eldoon. Guy Eldoon's the name! And noodles are my game. The secret's in the soup! I've been searching for the perfect soup for a year 'n' a half.'

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