"Proof of Innocence"

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apollo took a little longer than usual to fill out the testimony since he had to listen to two voices at once

'He says that word of Mr. LeTouse's death came as a great shock, But if the killing truly followed the lyrics of my song..., ...I, that is, he, could not have done it, He says that because the lyrics are in English, he does not understand them'

the judge nodded once the testimony was over

'Hmm. I see! He wouldn't have understood the English lyrics to the song. That would prevent him from following them so closely'

'I wondered what he meant by "proof". Why, he would only have to ask Lamiroir to know the meaning of that song'

'Lamiroir! Did you ever explain the lyrics of that song to him?'

apollo asked

'I did tell him, generally, what the song was about. But never in so much detail. And he never asked'

'Has my oft-repeated warning already fled that forehead? Lamiroir might be protecting the witness!'

klavier pointed out, and honestly, apollo couldn't argue that

'Well, anyway, let us proceed with the cross-examination. Mr. Justice, if you would'

he nodded

'Yes, Your Honor'

"Something's hidden in that testimony, I know it. I'll just have to trust my bracelet to tell me where! It worked yesterday, it'll work today!"

he felt his bracelet get tighter at the mention, he touched it, and his vision zoomed in, he focused his eyes on machi, underneath his sunglasses, he could see him glancing at lamirior 

'Machi... ...You can't fool my eyes, You glanced toward her the very moment Lamiroir said the word "English". Why? And don't bother interpreting that! He understands me!'

Lamiroir blinked as she placed a hand on her chest, in total surprise, apollo looked at machi right in the eyes

'Machi, tell the truth. You can understand English, can't you?'

'Wh-What are you saying? Of course he can't!'

Lamiroir faced machi again as they both began to speak in their foreign language, apollo held back the urge to roll his eyes

"Must he continue this charade...?"

'Mr. Justice, Machi says this: "I know the word 'English'."'

she finally said


'Before coming to this country, he heard me speaking English. He learned the name for this language, that is all'

Apollo gritted his teeth

'What? Give me a break!''

Is that such an unusual word to understand? Do you not know "Español", for instance?'

Apollo eye twitched

"Well, yeah, but..."

Lamiroir frowned underneath her mask

'I am sorry, but he truly does not understand your language'

'W-Well then explain this! How does he know the crime followed the lyrics!?'

Lamiroir gave him an unreadable expressiom

'...... Have you always been such a suspicious-minded lad? It is simple. So simple it hardly requires an explanation. ...He read about it in the newspaper'

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