"Kristoph Gavin Reapperence"

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the judge banged his gavel as he announced to the court

'Court is now in session for the trial of Vera Misham'

"The nail polish Mr. Wright gave me. This must be the brand symbol. It's an "A", drawn like a flower. It's refreshing to see a brand with a simple, clear design like this, There's an address on here... And a name I've never heard of. At least, I think so... It's too blurry to read"

Apollo got his stuff ready as he nodded, ready and determined as ever

'...The defense is ready, Your Honor'

'...Prosecution's ready to rock'

the judge looked to klavier

'Prosecutor Gavin. How is the defendant... Vera Misham's condition?'

'Acute atroquinine poisoning. According to her physician... ...she could die at any time. Thus... her absence from the courtroom today'

Trucy eyes widen 

'What!? They can't put her on trial without her being here!'

'It... is unusual'

apollo replied 

'They should wait for her to get better and do it then. ...It's so bureaucratic of them!'

'That's being a little harsh'

"They can't delay the trial any longer. ...Or they risk having no one left to try"

Klavier explained the situation to the court

'A trial without a verdict can only cause grief... ...The records of this case, and experience, tell us this. ...Apologies to the defendant, but the show must go on'

"Right... if Vera dies, the trial will be cancelled. ...I'm not going to let that happen! Mr. Wright told me everything that's been going on behind the curtain all these years. I'm going to get Vera her innocent verdict while there's still time!"

the judge nodded in agreement

'...Very well. Your opening statement, Prosecutor Gavin'

'The prosecution's case is unchanged by recent events. Why did Vera Misham succumb to poison? Because she couldn't live with the guilt of what she'd done'


Apollo yelled out

'But Vera was poisoned with atroquinine! The exact same poison that took her father's life!'

apollo argued, klavier fixed him with a sly grin

'...What better confession could you ask for? Being the killer she would have had access to the poison. Significant, since it's rather hard to come by'

the judge closed his eyes

'Hmm... That is true'

'In other words... I see no need for further discussion. We could have had our verdict... yesterday'

the jude stroked his bread as he looked to the defense bench

'Well, Mr. Justice? If you have no objections, I see no reason to postpone a verdict'

apollo shook his head

'...What we need to worry about isn't the verdict... but the trial itself! The defense holds that Vera Misham is the victim not the killer!'

Klavier shrugged

'If that's so... then you have to prove something. She was in court, giving her testimony before us. How do you propose her "killer" poisoned her? Oh... and incidentally, it would be nice if you told us who her mystery "killer" was'

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