"The Best Laid Traps"

Start from the beginning

'So you were in cahoots with the victim!'

apollo said

'Not that he needed my help. Smith is a well-known poker player in some circles. But winning wasn't the main purpose of this game. It was about destroying a legend: the unbeatable Star Guest Phoenix Wright! The plan was simple. Elegant, really. You see, we set up a trap of sorts... I was to plant a card in Wright's pocket beforehand... ...and then deal five aces during one of their games. When their hands were revealed, Smith would call him out and search Wright. He would then pull out the planted card and the trap would snap shut!'

she grinned more as she added

'Exposed as a cheater and losing on top of it! It would have made a great double play. Just like that, the legend would be dashed to pieces.'

the judge nodded, now understanding a bit better 

'Indeed... Getting caught red-handed at cheating would cast doubt on all his prior wins...'

'A seven-year legend, destroyed by one little card... That was the plan!'

kristoph however, mocked her on her efforts

'"Oh really, Orly"? How droll. But... it appears you made quite the mistake.'

'A mistake?'

the judge asked

'I agree, the trap was elegant. Yet, what happened to that planted card?'

apollo realized at once

'Hey, that's right!'

olga glared off to the side

'...he's smart, I'll give him that, You'd have to be to slip free from a trap laid by Olga "Quick-Fingers" Orly!'

the judge looked down at her

'Oh really? The witness would be much cuter if she dispensed with the evil mastermind shtick.'

olga growled as she insisted otherwise

'Cute...? Who wants to be cute? I'm not cute! I'm bad! You hear me? Bad!!!'

she cried out, the judge cut her off by banging down his gavel

'When you're through being bad, perhaps you could testify to the court? Tell us about this "trap"... and how it was sprung.'

apollo quickly flipped a page in his notebook, got out his pen, and tried to write as fast and neatly as he could

'That night, I planted the card like I was supposed to, And Wright lost the last hand, just like he was supposed to. Then Smith searched him!, But the planted card was gone! The trap failed, The next moment, Wright picked up a bottle and swung it!, It wasn't me who hit Smith! It was that no-good, cheating defendant!'

'Hmm... A surprisingly frank testimony that stil leaves us mostly in the dark'

the judge admitted

'The trap was perfect I tell you, perfect! If that rotten cheater hadn't messed it up'

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