"Serious Competition"

Start from the beginning

olga hesitated a bit, but complied

'D-Dah, Your Honor, "One kind of chip is worth 100 points, other kind is worth 1,000. Two kinds in all"

that's when it rang to apollo's ears, he looked at the crime scene photo of the chips, and wrote out the mathwork in his notebook, ...their it was, the contradiction

'You're sure it was the victim who won? Absolutely sure?'

he tested, when olga didn't say anything, payne cut in

'OBJECTION!, It seems our new attorney is a bit confused... A glance at the picture is enough to tell you who won! If you're not in kindergarten'

the judge decided to ask the defense in a more nicer tone

'Um... Just for safety's sake, could you explain the problem to the court?'

apollo nodded

'Of course, Your Honor. In this photo I see small chips and I see large chips. Tell me.. which were worth 1,000 points?'

payne smirked as he pointed out the obvious, as he wasn't the stupid one here

'Why, the big ones of course! Duh!'

apollo bit back a smirk, he was already imaging the look on his face 

'Oh, I thought so too... but then the totals don't add up'

'Th-The totals...?'

he stuttered out, ..what?!

'Let's review what the witness told us: Each man started with 3,500 points in chips. And the combined total value of the chips was 7,000 points.'

the judge nodded in agreement

'Yes... if my calculations are correct! Let's see, three plus one, carry the five...'

apollo blinked at him

'Um, they are, Your Honor. Now! Look at this photo that allegedly shows all the chips. If the big chips are worth 1,000 points, and the small chips are worth 100... And you add them up...'

'How much is it!?'

payne asked, apollo bit back his tongue to snap back, ..he wasn't as fearless as phoenix was went it came to talking back

"Do it yourself... You aren't in kindergarten, are you?" '

...10,600 points. The chips don't add up! This clearly contradicts the witness's testimony!'

'B-But why!? How could this be!?'

kristoph nodded in agreement

'Exactly... Justice. Now that you know the "what", you must determine the "why".'

"alright justice, let's do this!"

'Each man began the game with 3,500 points. If all the chips are indeed shown in this photograph... Then there can be only one answer, The value of the chips... was the other way around!'

payne now started to sweat bullets again


'Want to know what I think?, The small chips were worth 1,000 points, not the big ones!'

payne shook his head, refusing to accept this

'Madness! Utter madness!'

he inisted, however, his voice went un-heared as the judge demanded to see the crime scene photo once again

'Show me that photograph of the chips again! ...There are six small chips, and ten large chips... Why, that does make 7,000 points when you add them up!'

kristoph nodded his head in approval

'Excellent work, Justice. It's almost as though you figured it out by yourself.'

'Well... I'm just glad I was the one who said it.'

he admitted, then, an objection yelled out

'OBJECTION!, B-But wait! The value of the chips may be different, but that changes nothing!!!'

he cried out desperately, he could finally now win a trial, and he wasn't about to give it up, apollo didn't say anything, cause the judge spoke for him

'Indeed.. The victim did have the larger number of chips still. ... Ah!'

apollo nodded his head at the judge

'...Exactly. If the small chips are 1,000 points, and the large chips are 100... Let's do a little math. Add up the points for each side of the table!'

payne gripped his ugly hair un frustration, as the judge spoke up

'The victim, Mr. Smith, had 2,900 points, and the defendant had... 4,100 points!'

apollo smirked as he rubbed salt into payne's wound

'Well now... It seems that Mr. Wright was winning that night after all!, My client had even less reason to kill the victim! After all... he was winning!'

payne cried out in defeat as he winched back, apollo ignored him as he went back to the witness, who had no words

'Now... Ms. Orly. You must have known the true value of the chips. Since you were there at the scene of the crime... weren't you?'

orly screamed out as she had nothing to say, and laughed the rub lobster back into her bowl, the court started going crazy

'Order! Order!!! It appears our defendant has lost his "motive". And Mr. Wright's supposed defeat... never happened.'

payne had nothing to say, ..he had just lost his motive for murder, the judge then decided

'We must now ask ourselves whether we can trust the witness's testimony at--'


the judge jumped, ...as he looked down at the witness

'E-Excuse me? What is it, Ms. Orly?'

she stuttered a bit on her words, trying to think of something

'I... I did not want to be saying this, but... Actually, you see, erm..., In the last hand, there was cheat!'

'A  ch-cheat? You... You don't mean... ...a trick!?'

the judge gasped back in shock

'Wait, or do you mean... ..a scam!?'

apollo slapped his forehead

"They're all the same thing!"

'Yes, there was cheat in last hand... That is why game ends with chips as they are!'

"Great... Just great... First we have lying... now cheating..."

apollo thought bitterly to himself, he looked up at his mentor, who was as composed as ever, ...he didn't understand how anyone could be calm in this kind of situation

'Well, this case certainly has taken a turn... ...for the interesting!'

he commented, the judge then banged down his gavel

'Witness! You will please testify to the court! Tell us about this cheating in the final hand!'

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