Harem Shenanigans 2.

Start from the beginning

America grinned wolfishly. "Never have I ever. Sexualized edition~" Ireland blushed madly again, burying his face into his green turtleneck that hid his neck and shoulders exceptionally well.

"We're gonna ask the most lewd questions about your life. If you've done it, drop a finger." America smirked, wiggling his eyebrows. "Put your bets down, the country that had zero fingers left up first, gets it all." America continued to explain, pointing at a chair at the center of their oddly shaped circle, where a pile of dollars, euros, kroner and kune were placed messy. America looked expectantly at him, waiting for him to make his move.

Getting out his wallet from his back pocket, Germany pulled out a couple euros with a playful sigh. "Fine, just for fun." He shrugged and grinned, setting down his money on the pile. America grinned back, and held out his hand enthusiastically for a hive five. "That's the spirit, Ger!" Germany returned it and flexed his arms, holding up ten fingers.

"You have no idea how long I took to convince the others to play." America groaned, rocking his chair back and forward. "Mom, you continue."

"Alright, chérie~" France said, stretching out her 6 remaining fingers while she thought deeply. "Never have I ever...used a daily object, like food or a pan handle par exemple-" She added quickly. "To fuck." 

The rest of the countries cried out in astonishment, some just stopped functioning from embarrassment at the amount of sin that was being revealed and thrown around the office. Things had seemingly escalated very quickly. 

"Maman!!" Canada exclaimed loudly in French at his mother, his ears and cheeks getting redder than his flag itself. France shrugged her shoulders, winking slyly and taking off another finger, so she was down to six. America whistled loudly and took off a finger as well, slightly disturbed too he supposed. He forced himself not to think too much about it, ignoring the sudden image of his father Britain and France 'cooking' together-

Through all the noise, no one seemed to notice Germany slowly take away his first finger of ten, his cheeks stained pink. Good, some other countries had still yet to move at all, so he was already a few steps into the game.

"Enough!!" America suddenly yelled, his voice cutting through the noise. Everyone quieten, some others had also lowered their fingers through the chaos, and he bit his tongue to not burst out laughing or ask how they did it. Canada had his face buried in his eight fingers, mumbling something in french.

"My turn-" Spain spoke up, and grinned brightly as some of the other countries paled away at the possible question he may ask. "Don't worry I'll make this one easier. This time~" He smirked, before clearing his throat, drumming his six remaining fingers on his legs,

"Never have I ever called my partner 'Daddy', or 'Mommy' during 'it'. " He said smoothly, crossing his ankles damperly. The other countries were a little calmer at this, but not all of them of course. Almost everyone had a red face and at least half of them took off a finger.

"Greenland, go on." America nodded to his co-worker, who was sitting next to Spain.

"Never have I ever...been made to wear a butt plug or yoni egg all day. Two points if you've done both~" 

The office room's murmuring ceased to a bare whisper, everyone too bright red to say anything, many were staring at Greenland himself, with small sly smirks on their faces. Greenland blushed, the white on his face barely visible as he tucked his index finger away from view.

But most surprisingly, Germany gulped, and took away two of his fingers, so now he only had six left. Poland caught sight of it first, and accidentally choked on his saliva, alerting America, who turned his head to look at Germany. 

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