The Story of a Reaper- What REALLY happened to The Grim Reaper

Start from the beginning

"Maybe," Nightmare said, "Anyways! Let's keep going!" Killer said as they walked off. Dust stayed where he was, watching them walk off without noticing. He looked around as they left and opened a portal to Dusttale and went back home.

As Killer lead the group, he found another old conversation nearby.


"Yes, Gaster?"

"I want to let you know, when your older...maybe about 18 or will have to live up to your role know that right?"

"...I know...Gaster..."

"...-" Gaster seemed to have sighed.

Reaper sounded about in his teens, maybe 14-16

"You seem to not want to do such a thin-"

"When it comes to people losing there lives, of course, I don't want them too...everyone is afraid of death...I'M afraid of myself and what I can do...I hold back a lot, just because I have too much power in my hands...I never asked to be-..." Reaper stayed quiet.

"Did we just find his dilemma as a kid?" Killer whispered to the two as the scoffed and continued to listen

"...I know you never asked to have your power....none of us asked to have our role as gods...but we must use them for the greater good-"

"If we're gods why can't we just leave the underground?-"

"It's not that simple, Reaper-"

"Yes it is...we can teleport us ALL out of here, we have the ability to!"

"We may have the ability to, but we're not going to because the humans need time,"

"Time to do what?! Live!?" Reaper exclaimed.

"...Whatever," Reaper scoffed before getting up and stomping away

"...He can't hide from this forever..." Gaster said before it all restarted again

"Such angst-" Killer said.

Nightmare and Cross rolled their eyes before going away on there own, leaving Killer and Error, as the two wandered off.

Nightmare and Cross soon found a secret spot away from the echo flowers. It was behind a wall and near the edge of a river. There stood an old bench, and an old tape recorder under it.

"Ooo~ Look at this!" Cross said, walking over to it, sitting down, Nightmare following along, sitting next to Cross. Cross bent down and picked up the tape recorder, "Here, how about we listen to it?" Cross said, handing it to Nightmare.

Nightmare hummed as Cross played a little with Incubux as they both listened to the tape.

"Hey, bro look what I found!" Reaper said, "Woah! So cool!" Papyrus said in amazement, "I know right! I found it in the garbage dump! I showed it to dad and he told me it records sounds and voices, it's recording us right now actually!" Reaper explained

"Really! Hello, recorder!" Papyrus said as Reaper giggled, "What do the buttons do?"


The recording ended and another one started.

"Hello, recorder! I'm not sure what to say actually...mhhh...maybe I should update you on what's happening!" Reaper said, he sounded much older

"I know we haven't talked in a while, only because I've been so busy raising Papyrus all by myself really, not like it's any big deal, I've dealt with worst, like almost getting killed and killing other things none the less!" Reaper said

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