The Story of a Reaper- Happy Revenge

Start from the beginning

He yawns as he closed his eyes a little as he opened the door at the same time, "AAAaaaa...ya' wanted me, boss?" Dust asked before fully opening his eyes

There he saw Horror and Lust next to each other in shock. Killer and Error seemed confused and Cross standing in worry as Nightmare looked more neutral with a baby in his hands...


"...Surprise...we did something stupid!" Nightmare plain and blunt. "...Y'ALL FUCKED?!" I yelped, "Pfft- HAHAHAHAHAH!!!" Killer broke out of his confusion, as the others, seemed to have calmed down from there shock and confusion.

"NO, WE DIDN'T HAVE SEX!" Cross yelled, "We just decided to make him for the hell of it..." Cross said, crossing his arms, puffing his cheeks out.

"Well! That certainly is a surprise!" Horror laughed, "Did you even think about the future for your kid?" Lust asked, a brow raised. Cross shrugged, "No? I guess he's most likely gonna be evil like us anyways!" Cross said plainly.

Lust groaned, "This is unbelievable," Lust said in disappointment, "I mean-...gosh if we're all in shock now, I rather tell you now while I can-" Error said, his glitching was more frantic than usual

"Tell us what?" Killer said, finally calm from laughing, "Ink and I accidentally made two kids as well-"

"WHAT?!" We all exclaimed, "It was on accident! We don't like each other like that!!" Error said with a yellow hue on his cheeks, "We were fighting a lot and our magic accidentally mixed together to make them! Ink has them right now...that is if they're not dead, which I don't mind-" Error said quickly in a rush as we kept giving him stares as his eyes started to glitch out, his pupils unseeable 

"Well! Anyone else has any surprises?" Nightmare asked, Horror, Killer, Lust, and I shook our head, "Good! Gosh, I thought it was 2X2X for a second..." Nightmare groaned, "It's not even 2X2X yet-" Error mumbled

"ANYWAYS! I'm assuming we've all recovered from that...war- RIGHT?!" Cross said with a happy smile. We all nod, "Good! Then we're back to being a team, and one prisoner!" Cross said, "And one baby bones..." Nightmare said, "What's your kids' name anyways?" Lust asked. Nightmare and Cross shrugged


Gosh, Lust has changed so much, it's sort of scary. Horror smiled at Lust confidence that he helped with, it was impressive with how he yelled at Nightmare and Cross.

Nightmare growled before huffing at Lust, "Well do you have a better name than baby bones?" Cross asked with a brow raised. Lust walked over and looked at the baby.

Their baby had black bones like his father. One red-eye from his dad, and a blue one from his father. He resembled Nightmare a lot-

"...How about...Incubux?" Lust suggested, "...Huh?" Nightmare questioned, "It's just the wrong way to spell Incubus..." Lust told them, "What does that mean?" Killer asked. Cross thought about it before he got the idea, "Wha- HOW DARE YOU!" Cross growled, "What? Am I supposed to get angry or something?" Nightmare said confused, "Incubus: a male demon believed to have sexual intercourse with sleeping women," Lust told them

"I will not let you name my son after such a...DEFINITION!" Cross growled, "That's why I put an X at the end of his name, it's either you take it or your baby's name is Baby bones," Lust said shrugging.

"Any better names?" Cross asked the others. The others looked away, "...Fine-" Cross said with a huff, "BUT! When I find a better name, I'm changing it!" Cross told Lust, "Sure, I'm just your prisoner either way!" Lust said with a smirk walking back to a smiling Horror.

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