Chapter 41.

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As the final bell rang for the day, I gave one last kiss to Olivia, before parting ways. I pulled out the note from my pocket and grabbed my coat from my locker.

I wonder where John's taking me. Is he going to desert me somewhere? Will he take me somewhere isolated to beat the living shit outta me? No! Of course not! I'm getting way too worked up about this. Atleast John answered me back. That was progress. Maybe he missed me too.

I clutched onto the strap of my school bag and found John waiting out back, behind the school. Paul and Richard nowhere in sight. I approached cautiously, simply reminding myself he probably just wants to talk.

"Heya." I said as I stood in front of him awkwardly.

"George." He nodded, flicking his cigarette, and pulling out a new one. "Come on then."

I nodded and followed him as we walked out of the school yard, through the field and around the corner to a small abandoned house near the lake. I looked around in awe. To many people it must look like shite. But to me, it looked like a safe haven. Peaceful and calm.

The sound of the leaves crunching underneath our shoes echoed in the silence around us. He came to a stop and turned to me.

"I hope you don't mind me bringing you along this far. Here is the only place I can feel comfortable....talking about..well, ye know." He said shyly. I knew what he meant. For John to be this soft around another bloke must have been uncomfortable. It was uncomfortable for me too. But we had to do this.

"It's alright John. Let's sit yeah?" I said. He nodded and walked over to the lake, sitting on the brown earth. I sat next to him, setting my school bag between us.

"I know this must seem strange. Me and Paul come down 'ere a few times a month to unwind. Ye, about things that may seem a bit queer for blokes like us to talk about."

I looked at my worn out shoes, then at him. "John I...I hope you don't mind me sayin this but...why all the way out here?"

He shrugged and picked at the small bits of grass growing from the ground. I could just imagine Olivia yelling at him to stop.

"It's better for me to apologize out somehwere that isn't too familiar to others. If we did this in a pub or back at Paul's...or yours, It'd be tainted. Ye know?"

I nodded and reached out for his cigarette. He handed it to me and ran a hand through his hair. I inhaled and blew the thick smoke into the wind.

"Look, I'm not going to get all soppy on ye. I just want to say I'm sorry for being a bloody tool and making a fuckin ruckus out of nothing. I was being bigheaded and tried to make you look like the wrong one. Now, i'm not sayin what you did wasn't. But it's honest."

I sighed. "I know John. I should 'ave told ye. From the beginning. She begged me though. I mean really really begged me. I promised her I wouldn't tell. She took that for granted and just used me. I should've known better than to lie to one of me mates. I'm sorry I did all those things."

He looked at me and gave a half smile. "Thanks George. That means a lot to hear. Ye know I never meant to hurt you the way I did. My bigheadedness got in the way of it all."

"Yeah well, I think we both deserved what we got. Although, I never knew Tracy had the abortion until that night. It was new to us all....I'm sorry." I glanced at him. He let out a long sigh and shook his head.

"I honestly never even gave a thought about that. It all seems to strange. I mean for awhile there I was..."

"You don't 'ave to say it John. You're not anymore. Things are back to the way they were. Forget New York. Let's focus on us now. School...the band."

He nodded and stood up, helping me in the process. I grabbed my bag and flung it over my shoulder.

"So em, we friends again?" I asked. He smiled and nodded.

"Yeah. Were alright."

I smiled and looked down. "We should get back. Looks like rain."

"Yeah. Let's go."


Talking to John again, and knowing things were going to be alright, really let me relax the night.

I layed in bed, munching on a piece of candy and reading. The knock on the window, mixed with the sound of thunder, made me jump. Getting out of bed, I walked over, opening the curtain and smiled.

"It's about time Harrison. The neighbors were looking at me like I was a stalker." Olivia said, plopping on my bed as I shut the window and drew the curtains.

"What brings ye by this late? It stopped raining I see."

She shrugged and saw the candy. "Its Friday night, I have nothing to do and, you have candy." She smiled.

We sat on the bed and snuggled together, eating the gummy worms straight out of the bag.

"How did things with John go?"

"Good actually. He didn't kick my arse. I'm grateful for that." I chuckled. Olivia giggled and kissed my cheek.

"Georgiepoo, what are we going to do this Halloween? It's tomorrow you know."

"Georgiepoo?? And tomorrow?? Holy shit. No wonder mums got that large bowl of candy downstairs."

"You're mind has been overwhelmed Georgie. And more candy??" She beamed, clapping her hands together excitedly. I rolled my eyes and got out of bed, walking to the door.

"I'll be back."


"Happy Halloween ye fuckin wanker!"

I woke up to a yelling Lennon, the company of a McCartney in my bed and a Starkey, chatting up my girlfriend.

"What did you lot get in 'ere"

"Mum let us in." Paul winked.

I'm definitly going to have a talk with that woman.

"Get up Harrison. We 'ave things to get on to tonight!" John said as I wrapped the blanket over my head.

"I don't wanna. Go on without me." I yawned.

"Come on ye twat! Free candy tonight! Plus, let's not forget the pumpkin smashing, the rolling houses, the scaring kids into giving us their treats."

"Hey. That's not very nice." I swear I could hear Olivia pout.

"What do ye say George? Ye coming with us??"

I pulled down the blanket to see all the lads looking at me, a hopeful smile on their faces. Olivia behind them, shaking her head.


"Ooow! Ye bloody nearly cut me eye out!" John whined as Olivia cut a whole into the sheet.

"There you all are." She smiled happily, putting the witch mask on.

"Alright, what are we supposed to be again??" Paul asked, crossing his arms.

"Were the Charlie Brown crew! You know from the cartoon! I had the idea a few days ago while in drama class!" Olivia squeeked. "See, my Georgie is Charlie Brown, which explains all the holes. Paul is pig-pen, which explains the marks all over, John is another ghost, and I'm Lucy!" She giggled.

"And what about me!?" Richard pouted. Olivia placed her arms on her hips.

"You're snoopy! The world war one flying ace! God do you guys never watch tv!?"

I just shrugged as we all began our walk down the street. This was going to be a long long night.


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