Chapter 39.

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One day later

I sat at my desk, feeling glum and doodling notes. It felt weird not having one of the lads to even talk to. We were all separated. Sure I saw them walking down the halls but that was it. It was like my first day all over again. It's just this time, I had a girlfriend.

When the bell rang for lunch, I made my way to the canteen and grabbed my food. Olivia met me and walked with me outside by a tree. I sat down and offered her a soda.

"Thank you." She smiled. "So um, how long do you think this is going to last?"


"The whole breakup. I mean you all are acting like strangers when just two days ago, you were closer than ever."

I shrugged. "I dunno. I don't wanna talk about it. I haven't seen Mick or any of those other creeps."

"Oh um, yeah...about that." Olivia started. "I heard from a few people around that they got the record deal..."

I tossed my apple on my tray and crossed my arms. "This is just brilliant. Fuckin christ I just want to go home. We have a whole week off next week yeah?"

She nodded and bit into her sandwich. I chewed on the inside of my cheek and looked across the field to see John and Paul talking and writing. Richard on the other side of the field, sitting alone and reading.

I looked at Olivia. "Are ye free after school?"

She pouted. "I have a club meeting babe. I'm sorry."

I nodded and shrugged. "Its fine. I'll probably just take a nap and watch telly. Come by after your done?"

She nodded and leaned over, kissing my cheek. The bell rang and everyone began their walk back to classes. I noticed John and Paul leave off to the parking lot as Richard looked over at them as well and made his way back to classes. Me and Olivia held hands, as we stood up and went back into the brick building.


After my quiet walk home, I saw dad working on his truck. I stopped and set my bag down.

"Hiya." I said. He pulled the bonnet down and smiled.

"Heya son. How was school?"

I shrugged. "It was alright. Tiring and boring."

"I see. Nothing to report huh. How was the gig the past weekened??"

He took one look at my face and read the disappointment in my eyes. He just nodded.

"I see."

"We got into a skuffle. Me and the lads. Now, were not talking. This band thing isn't all I expected it to be." I sighed.

"Well, maybe this time apart will remind you lot what's really important. Your friendship. You lads are always working on the band. Its good to be proud of and work hard at. But when it consumes your life and it's all you have time for, its not healthy."

I nodded. I didn't want to even tell him about the part about John impregnating a girl from school and I knew the whole time. I couldn't. What would dad think of me then?? I took a breath.

"It was my fault dad. I lied to one of me mates. It was pretty wrong for me to do but I did it to protect him. I love my friends. I thought I was doin the right thing but...I was wrong all along. I didn't mean for this to happen. Maybe a break from the band  is a good idea. Maybe the world isn't ready for The Beatles yet."

"The Beatles?"

"Its the name of our band. I'm goin up to rest. I just feel bad." I said picking my bag up off the floor.

"Look son, if ye want your friends have to be honest. Tell them everything from the beginning. Let them know how you feel and show them that you're not a bad guy."

I nodded. "Thanks dad."

"You're welcome."


Four Hours Later

I woke up from my long nap and sat up, rubbing my eyes. I blinked to see Olivia reading something from one of my journals. I stood up quickly and snatched it from her hands. She giggled.

"Who's that to?"

"Who's what to??"

"That poem. Or song I guess. Who's it too?"

I shrugged. "Just somethin random I wrote in did ye get up 'ere?"

She pointed to the door. "Your mother let me come up. I saw you sleeping and decided to let you nap. You're adorable when you're sound asleep. You drool and snore. It's cute." She giggled. I blushed and fixed my messy hair.

"I'm glad you came over. I really need a friend right now." I said slumping on my bed. Olivia sat next to me and hugged me against her body.

"Don't worry about the others right now Geo. Things will get better. John's just probably hurt. Just give him time to cool down. The same goes for Richard."


"Shhh." She whispered, stroking my hair. We layed back on my bed and snuggled. I loved the warmth her body gave to mine. She kissed my neck and breathed in my scent.

"You always smell so good."

I smiled and held her. "So do you love."


After dinner and saying goobye to Olivia until tomorrow, I decided to shower and just lay in bed. Listening to Zeppelin and eating brownies, I found myself drifting off into sleep...that was until I opened my eyes, just in time to see a hand cover my mouth to muffle my screams.


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