Chapter 3.

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I clutched the strap to my school bag tight as I walked towards the entrance of the building. I seemed to be invisible as I walked inside, down the halls to my locker.

I could here blokes shouting, birds giggling, instructors yelling...this place was a mad house.

While trying to open the lock, some bloke bumped into me, making me smash my face against the hard surface.

"Hey watch it!" I yelled.

"I'm so sorry mate. I didn't see ye there! Not that you're invisible or not very noticeable..I didn't mean bump into ye is what I meant to say."

I blinked and watched him talk. He was a bit short but looked a lot older than myself. His shaggy dark brown hair messily brushed, a dark t-shirt too big for his frame, his jeans baggy and chuck taylors to compliment his style.


"Oh yes um, I'm Richard." He smiled and extended his hand out to me. I took it and shook.

"I'm George."

"Nice to meet ye George. Well, I better go now. Nice meetin ye mate! See you around!" I watched as he sauntered off, disappearing into the crowd of students. I smiled to myself and set my things into my locker. I think I made a friend. I think.

As the bell rang, I looked at my schedule and walked around, glancing at the room numbers. I sighed and walked into a class, asking the teacher where I could sit.


The rest of the day, I went completely unnoticed by anyone and everything. Even the fuckin pigeons wouldn't look my way durning lunch break.

I sat alone at a small table, eating a shite hamburger until I heard someone speak.

"Heya mate! You're um, sittin in my seat." Richard pointed. I looked down.

"Oh i'm sorry I didn't know this was your spot." I was ready to get up and take my things when he sat across from me.

"No need to rush. It's perfectly fine with me if ye sit 'ere. Nobody else will." He mumbled. I sighed. Great. The one friend I make is a loner.

"I see. So um, I see ye like Deep Purple." I pointed to his shirt. He smiled.

"Yeah. Quite the fan. Ye like Rock N Roll?"

"Yes. It's what I live for. Although me mum rather I listen to all this disco, contemporary shit. I hate it." I made a face. He laughed and took a drink from his soda.

"Do ye play any instruments?" He asked. I nodded.

"Guitar. Spend most of my days in my bedroom, practicing."

"Really? I play the kit, sort of in a band."

"Sort of?" I asked curiously.

"Well there was a falling out with our last guitarist. He slept with me mates girl. It was a complete mess. Anyways, ever since then the band has been kind of on a stand still."

"Oh. I see." I said quietly. So he did have friends.

"Yeah. I guess ye can't trust anybody yeah?" He smiled and began eating. I laughed and ate as well.

"So what grade ye in?"

"Highest grade 'ere. Senior. You're a freshmen yeah?"

"Is it that noticeable?" I asked.

"A bit." He smiled. "Aye look, me and the lads are goin out later tonight. This band is playin down at one of the clubs in town. You'd like to come? Might 'ave to sneak ye in."

I just looked up at him. Am I really being invited out by an older student to a club? I wasn't goin to pass up a chance like this. I nodded, trying to play it cool.

"Yeah sure, why not."

He smiled. "Cool. I'll see ye round at six."

The bell rang as he got up and left to class. I was feeling pretty happy until I realised. I have no clue where to meet up with him.


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