Chapter 2.

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After countless hours in town, strolling the area, buying things, I was exhausted.

I came in at about eight in the evening. As I walked into the kitchen, me mum and dad were sitting at the table, waiting. Shit.

"Where were ye?" Mum was first to speak.

"I was out. I told dad." I pointed at him.

"Yes and I told ye to be in before dinner."

I looked at the clock. "You've been sittin 'ere waitin for two hours! Come on I'm not that important to be waitin around for."

I walked over and sat in my usual spot at the table. Next to mum, across from dad. I sighed and looked down at my plate.

"It's empty!"

"Yes. March up to your room now son. You're grounded for disobeying my word." Dad said crossing his arms. I groaned.

"But I'm starved!! And I start school tomorrow. Ye can't expect me to go to bed hungry!" I whined.

"Room. Now."

I scoffed and made my way upstairs. I set my things on the floor and plopped down on my bed. This is so unfair. First I move over 'ere beyond my will, I have to start at a new school, make new friends, start a new life, now I'm bein starved! This is madness.

I sat up in bed and grabbed a record off my small shelf and put it on. Ah, the sweet sound of Hendrix's guitar. I laid back and stared up at the ceiling. Hands behind my head as I listened to the music.

I heard a small tap on the door. I bit my lip.

"Open up Georgie, it's me."

I sighed. "Come in."

I watched as mum walked into the room, plate in hand. It smelled so good. I smiled and sat up. She sat on the edge of the bed and set my food down in front of me.

"Thanks. I'm sorry I came in late. I guess I got caught up in all the shops in town."

She smiled. "It's alright dear. I'm glad ye liked it. I know it's not easy to start over but, I think this is something we all need. I nodded and began eating.

"I'm a little nervous to start school." I said between bites.

"You'll make friends in no time love. Just promise me ye won't fall in with the wrong crowd?"

I smiled. "Of course not. I can handle meself mum. Plus, I'll probably go unnoticed for a few days.

"Come on now. You'll make friends in no time!"

I shrugged. "We'll see."

She kissed the top of my head and got up, leaving the room. I sighed and finished eating, thinking of the possible ways to encourage mum to homeschool me.


"Come on Geo! It's six in the mornin! Ye start school!" Mum yelled. I groaned and pulled down my headphones, Stairway to Heaven playing in the distance as I rubbed my eyes.

"If you're goin to shout mum, shout quietly." I said yawning. She sighed.

"Come on love, no time like the present." She opened the curtains as the sun came all over my face, sunlight spewing in me eyes.

"Fine i'm up."

I made my way into the shower, taking time to sing and wash my hair at snails pace until dad banged on the door.

I dressed, jeans, Zeppelin shirt, shoes, messy hair. I grabbed my school bag. It was odd not wearin a uniform anymore. I usualy only dressed this way to go out, not for school.

I ran downstairs and looked at the clock. Right on time. Mum made me some brekky. Waffles, cereal, bacon, eggs, toast, juice...hey don't ye judge me.

"Look at my boy! Smile!" Mum said taking an unexpected photo of me. My eyes half closed, lookin like i'm givin this banana a fuckin blowjob. Christ.

"Mum i'm eating!" I whined. She just giggled and kissed my cheek as I stood up.

"I better be off out then."

"Wait, son 'ere."

Dad handed me money and patted my shoulder.

"Thanks." I smiled. "Now I'm off out." I turned on my heel and made my way out the door. Highschool. How bad can it be? Kids my age, teachers, girls. I don't think i'm ready for that last part yet.

I walked and walked until I came across a loud building, full of students messin about. This is definitely not what I expected at all.


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