Chapter 32.

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Mum was thrilled to know I met a bird whom I very much liked. She just didnt know about the fact me and Olivia were dating and that sex was already involved. This was until we were cleaning up the table and me and mum were setting things into the sink.

"Lovely girl Olivia is." Mum beamed. I smiled.

"Yeah. I like her a lot."

"So, you two are really friendly huh?" She asked curiously. I knew where this was headed.

"Mum were not.."

"Look son. I'm your mother. I just want to make sure your making right decisions. Remember the box I gave you the other morning.."

"Mum I...I know what youre sayin."

"No need to get shy with me son. Look, I know I gave you the box but, I'm hoping you'll make the right decisions and that you wont be needing to use them right away."

I blushed and scratched the back of my head. She watched me and shook her head. "Oh George."

"Mum it really isnt any of your buisness." I said quietly.

"It is my buisness George. Look I know at your age, sex may seem like a joyous thing and it may not seem like a big deal. Bloody television and movie stars glamourize it nowadays." She mumbled. I sighed.

"Look mum. I'm alright. I know what youre trying to say but I'm not getting married anytime soon. And I'm not using Olivia just for...well you know. I really really like her and I intend to keep seeing her. I'm sure she feels the exact same way."

She nodded and sighed. "Okay George. I trust ye."

I smiled. "Thanks mum."


The next day was the start of hell. Me and John were walking down the hall, chatting about a new album and on our way to the canteen to meet Paul, when we heard a loud commotion just around the corner.

We ran over to find a large group of people cheering and shouting, "Fight! Fight! Fight!"

Some cheering, "Get him Keith! Knock his lights out! Strangle him! Make him pay!"

Me and John pushed our way to the front to see Richard on the ground, yelling in agony and all bloodied as Keith kicked him and laughed at him. John in a rage, tackled Keith onto the ground as I ran over and helped a crying Richard off the ground, down to the end of the hall to safety. Paul came around the corner, looking in shock.

"What the hell happened!?" He yelled.

"Those fuckin pricks! That's what happened!" Richard yelled. I grabbed a tissue from my bag and wiped the blood from his eye and lip. He cried, leaning into my chest as I wrapped my arms around him. The sound of cheering still going on in this distance.

"Ye better go help John." I said pointing the way. Paul nodded and ran over.

"I didnt do anything.." Richard said wiping his eyes, wincing at the pain.

"Shhh. It's okay Richard. We'll take ye to the nurse yeah? Paul and John will take care of those bastards."


I sat in a chair in the nurses office as the nurse bandaged Rich and cleaned him up.

I felt bad for Richard. Even though he was the oldest and probably has been in many fights before, He always did everything to get out of a fight. He was one of those blokes who hated violence. For christs sake he even lectured John about getting into fights all the time. Richard was probably the most innocent out the lot of us. Those bastards knew it too. That's why Richard was an easy target for them.

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