Chapter 23.

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"Oooh...fuck yes baby.."

"Holy fuck..."

I moved out from between her legs and sat up in the seat as Tracy climbed in my lap, straddling me. I groaned as she began moving her body up and down on mine.

It was completley stuffy in the vehicle at this point. The sound of Jim Morrison's voice coming out of the speakers, Tracy's perfect body on mine bringing me closer and closer, our moans confined to this small space. Everything seemed to be going in slow motion.

I gripped her waist and kissed between her breasts as I came. She tugged on my hair and gave one last soft moan as she followed. I loved the way she tasted.

We looked at each other and smiled until there was a knock on the window.

"Tracy come on we need to go!" I heard a girl yell.

"Okay Okay just...hold on!" She yelled back. She turned to me. "George what happened tonight..we can't mention this to anyone."

I nodded. "I know Trace. But, I don't regret it."

She smiled and gave me a small kiss.


I was smiling like an idiot on the drive back home. We were driving down a long dark road as Paul sat up front with Richard, talking about the girl he shagged earlier. John was rolling a spliff, singing along with Hendrix on the radio.

"Sorry we couldn't get ye laid tonight George. Ye left out of nowhere for awhile there." John said. I smiled and blushed. John noticed and smirked.

"What?? No. Are ye serious!?"

"What happened?" Paul asked.

"Our one and only 'ere 'ad himself a shag!" John shouted. Richard laughed.

"Yeah?? With who??" Paul asked, turning in his seat to look at me.

"Just some bird I met at the bar."

"How was it? Everythin ye imagined it to be?" John winked. I blushed.

"I just got me answer." He said sitting back in his seat.

"Come on John stop teasin the lad." Paul laughed.

"Did ye get her off? It doesn't count if ye didn't get her off." John went on. Richard laughed uncontrollably.

"For fucks sake John."

John made girly moaning noises and made a loud spurting noise, indicating ejaculation. I smiled and shook my head.

"You're fuckin nasty Lennon."

"It's what 'appens love. I can't control the mystery of physics." He shrugged.

"Fucking hell." Richard groaned.

"What's wrong??" I asked looking at my watch.

11:46 pm.

My parents were going to kill me if they find out I wasn't at the dance.

"We just ran out of gas."


"There's no more in the back??" Paul asked worriedly.

"I sold it for some more lsd." Richard pouted.

We all got out of the vehicle and looked around. Open fields and an empty road.

"This is bullshit mate. Fuck! What are we goin to do now!?" John asked leaning against the car.

"Wait for someone to come by I suppose." I said.

"That can take hours." Paul said shaking his head.

"What other choice do we 'ave?" Richard said. We all got back into the vehicle and sat in silence.

"How about, we have a spliff to cool things off yeah?" John smiled.

As minutes flew by, we passed the joint around and let our minds spin. I blinked and began giggling.

Paul began singing. "The long and winding road that leads to your door

Will never disappear

I've seen that road before it always leads me here

Leads me to your door"

Richard yawned and fell asleep, snoring softly. John breathed on the window and drew smiley faces from the few seconds of fog.

"Aye George. Wanna know somethin?" John asked. I turned to him.

"Yeah. What?"

"I know I'm a prick know that Tracy bird?"

I nodded,

"I've been thinkin about her a lot lately. I know she probably hates me but...I've had a crush on her for years now. I know she's always liked me. I took advantage of that and shagged her. She can do better than a fuckin wanker like me. Which is why I was so rude to her afterwards. I'm not a bad guy George. I just...I wish she knew that."

Guilt began to eat me alive now. What would John think or do if he found out I fucked her?? And what will he do when he finds out she's pregnant?? I was caught up in this mess now. And John was me mate.

"John..I need to tell ye somethin..." I began, but was interrupted by a car horn outside.

"Look! Were saved!" John yelled, opening the car door. I sighed and sat back in my seat, rubbing my eyes. I really don't know how long I'll be able to keep these secrets from John. I know I told Tracy I didn't regret it. But now, I was really beginning to regret every second of it.


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