Chapter 36.

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The day went on faster than we hoped. With a few bumps and knicks along the road. Courtesy of some ticked off enemies.

10:30 am

The mates decided to have a shave while me and Olivia showered. Olivia was washing my hair and humming, when we heard John yell.

"Aye! What the hell is this!?"

"What's wrong?" I asked.

I peeked out the curtain to see the lads covered in black oil. They pouted. I smiled and tried to recover my laughing.

"Aye, ye think its funny some fuckin twat changed our shaving cream??"

"Christ now i'm gonna look like a werewolf." Paul said putting his shaving razors away.

"Come on it's not that baaaaaaaaaahhhh!" I screamed as the water grew boiling hot. Olivia tried turning off the water,  but the knob broke. John huffed and stormed out of the room as Richard laughed his head off.


12:15 pm

We all sat at a fast food burger restaurant, eating and feeling horrible. Olivia was humming and trying to put some of her makeup on me.

"Love I don't need that." I whined.

"Your face is all flushed from the shower earlier." She said dabbing my face. I made a face but let her.

John came back from the loo and sat down.

"Whelp, lunch was great. Who's payin?"

Paul froze just as he was about to take a bite from his burger. "Aye I thought you were payin."

"I don't 'ave any money." John laughed. I dug into my pockets and shook my head. Paul groaned and we all looked at Richard. He shrugged. Olivia motioned for us not to even look at her.

"We all looked at each other, then at the door. In seconds, we all went scrambling and ran out of the restaurant. The manager shaking his fist and shouting for us to come back.


2:00 pm

I broke out into a guitar solo, getting down on my knees. John lit a cigarette and watched me, looking unimpressed.

"That's very nice love. Nice for Led Zeppelin. Not so nice for us Beatles."

I sighed and sat on the bed, grabbing the spliff out of Richard's hand and taking a long drag.

"Alright lads. We haven't had much gigs before this. But we've sure practiced lots. So let's do the best we can and show those fuck wads who's the real musicians." John said putting out his smoke.

I nodded as Paul counted down.

"A one. Two, three, aaaah!" He yelled as a string broke, slashing him across the face. He dropped his bass on the floor and went running to the bathroom. "My face! It's ruined!" He yelled. John rolled his eyes.

"Come on macca were here for music. Not a bloody beauty contest!"

"How dare you! Your face isn't slashed and all bloody!" Paul slammed the bathroom door, locking himself in.

I groaned and layed back on the bed.


4:07 pm

"Come on macca I'm sure it isnt that noticeable." John said sitting next to the bathroom door.

"It is so! Just do the gig without me! You'll be lovely!" Paul said.

"Come on you're not dyin. Just let me in yeah?"

It was silent. The door unlocking and opening slowly. John made his way in and shut the door.

"Holy shit!" I heard John yell before being shoved out. Paul locked the door.

"Great. Now we don't ave a bass player. This day is just gettin worser and worser."

"He'll play. He just needs to cool off."

"He's been cooling off for hours now! Bloody wanker needs to suck it up!" Richard yelled.

"Don't call him that!" John yelled. They began wrestling on the floor as Olivia tried breaking them up. Music blaring downstairs.

"Great. They've started. Were on at five!" I said checking my watch.

"Calm down George. Things will get better." John said waving his hand in assurance.


4:35 pm

"Fuckin hell!!" Richard yelled trying to open the door.

About ten minutes ago, we heard someone banging on the door and then lock. Ever since then, we've been trapped in this room, the phone line not working, the music downstairs blaring. I knew it was those assholes who were sabatoging everything. Well played I had to say.

"Great. Our one chance and what happens?? We get bloody locked into this bloody stinking room!" John yelled, thrashing things about. Olivia grabbed a hair pin and kneeled in front of the door. Paul finally came out of the loo, covering the side of his face.

"Great. The lady of the group finally comes out of the fuckin bathroom to join us. Too late Sally. Were trapped." John crossed his arms.

"It's ten till five." I said checking my watch. Olivia was hard at work, when the knob on the other side popped off.

"Oops." Olivia said.

Richard groaned as Paul sighed. "Now were really trapped! What else could go wrong??"

We heard something shaking, vibrating hard against the wall. We all turned to see a pipe shaking, then burst. Steam filling the room, our instruments getting damaged, the room getting hot as hell.

"That's what else can go wrong!" John yelled, breaking the window open with his guitar.


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