chapter. 35

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I took Cam out of the misery, and we got out of the room that Cam was in. We saw Aaron holding Mahogany up, and she looked so weak and fragile. I felt so sorry for these people but Adrian said,

"These people have a reason to be here, they gave me hell, so I returning the favor" I shivered at how she said it.

We released the prisoned people, and called the police. We ran out to the front, and Cam was clinging onto me. Not that I mind, I missed him too. 

We went to the front, and Hayes was there. I was confused, because Hayes and Skylnn are here.

Did they kidnap them?

I let go of Cam, and Aaron put his arms wrapped his arm around his torso to support him up. I went to Hayes and took Skylnn from him, and started sobbing when I saw bruises on her arms and legs. Her eyes were shut, meaning that she was sleeping.

We went back in the van, and we can see flashing red, white, blue lights in the distance. I started the vehicle, and drove back to the hotel.

I don't think that half of Magcon will be the same.

Mahogany is probably going to traumatized by the pain that they gave her, so we decided to drive to a hospital instead of the hotel.

I heard a sobbing in the back, and It sounded like Skylnn.

"P-please! No more! M-mommy! Nash! Ha-hayes! No more hurt!" I heard her beg, and they were trying to calm her down.  It absolutely made my heart drop when she cried. I glanced at the mirror, and saw Hayes hugging Sky.

I hope we can send them back home without any problems.

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