Chapter. 11

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Hero Gilinsky

I sat down on the piano that JJ has been sitting, pursing my lips. I really want to hold JJ without him raging.

I started to play a random piece.

I really miss when we were friends - no, best friends. I really regret all of the fucked up stuff that I did to Nash, and JJ.

I want to go back in time and prevent myself from falling into Francis, Antonio, and Gilbert's stupid plan to ruin my life. I honestly fucking hate those guys.

Suddenly, my hands were pulled away from the piano and I looked at who pulled my hand away from the keys; it was Nash. I furrowed my eyes in confusion. "What?" I asked, and he sighed.

He sat down beside me, and patted my back.

"You were getting angry, and nobody was going to stop you from playing terribly." He said, then chuckled.

I chuckled - but it was forced.

"Sorry about the fight and the terrible piece." I said, then playing the piece again. He nodded.  "It's all good, man." He said.

He watched my fingers, then placed his fingers on the piano. He looked at my fingers, and I guess that he was copying how I played.

He was actually playing the piano, but he was in the high pitch side. He suddenly stopped playing.

"You know, Jack. All this time, I thought that you never had tears.." He said, then I stopped playing to hide my face. I did not want him to see me like this.

I wiped my eyes and sniffled, then sighing.

"What are you talking about, man?" I asked, then he shook his head. He continued the same piece, and focused on the keys.

"Jack, I know that you dislike people seeing you break down but.. You have to sometimes let out your emotions to someone; other than silencing yourself." He said, then I pursed my lips.

"I'll speak to you soon.." I said, then he stopped. He turned his head to look at me, and furrowed my eyebrows.

"Are you for real? We just fought two weeks ago, and you trust me to give you some advice?" He asked in disbelief. I sighed, and avoided eye contact.

"Yeah.. I gotta try trusting new people, right?" I said, then he smiled.

"Okay.. When the event done with, you can come to my room and spill the bag to me." He said, then getting up. He patted my back and ran off, then I now thought about what I said.

I'm not so sure if I can trust Nash.

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