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I sighed and yawned, not able to sleep comfortably in this airplane chair. I don't normally travel so I'm not used to the chairs like; the guy next to me.. He looks like he's sleeping on a medicate bed, which is my favorite bed.

I am currently flying to LA, because Bart had invited me to 'Magcon'. I have no idea what this 'magcon' is but it sounds cool.

"15 minutes landing" the speakers spoke, which made me grin. I could not wait until I saw how LA is.  I suddenly started feeling curious when I heard familiar voices on this class.

"Hey Nash. Do you think that you'll see Lawrence, your bae?"

"Shut up, Jack. We won't see her. It's a 1 out of 100, so shut up. I'm trying to sleep for fucks sake."

Jack and Nash.. They're on this class.. It made me nervous, because I still have feelings for Jack.. He also hates me so I would make his day into the worst day ever if he saw me.
The sad thing is, It made my day more brighter by hearing his voice.

I sighed and then the plane landed. The doors soon opened, and everyone started piling out.

~ Johnson ~

I got up and took my bag from the overhead, then Nash did. He was having a problem with taking his bag out. His bag was large because he wanted to take all of his clothes, and it didn't budge. He even pulled while putting his feet ontop of the chairs, which made him groan. 

" Do you need help?" Someone spoke, which made me widen my eyes. He's in this plane.. Nash seemed to freeze too, and then slowly turned his head to the person. He was shook his head, frantically. I turned my head to look at the person.

Jack stood there, biting his lip. He avoided eye contact, and it shocked me. He never looked like this.. although, he looks quite adorable. I will not deny the fact that I just called the person, who almost killed me and Nash, adorable. I have good reasons; I still haven't moved on, and he looks like he's nervous about being rejected.

I accidentally aww'ed, and covered my mouth. Nash only rolled his eyes, and sighed.

" Yes, Glinsky.. I need help with taking my bag out of this tight vagina overhead.." He said, and then someone bursted out laughing. I looked around, while Jack helped Nash taking his bag out of the overhead. I saw.. Justin Bieber? I did not know that Justin Bieber uses the same plane as normal people. He rushed over to us, and held a hand out. I looked at his hand and looked at him, then pointing at him.

"Are you Justin Bieber?" I asked, then he rolled his eyes. He put his hand in his pocket and huffed in annoyance.

" No, I am not Justin Bieber.  My name is Matthew Espinosa." He said, and then walked out the airplane. Damn, he reminds me of Hayes. Sassy much?

I was about to put my hand on Nash's shoulder but I felt the chair. I looked around and Jack or Nash wasn't in the airplane. I shrugged, and went out. 

I went out and looked around for Nash, atleast Matthew..or Jack. I looked around and someone took me from the behind, taking me somewhere. I was confused and scared because I'm alone! 

Soon, the dragging stopped. I looked at the person who was dragging me, and he looked asian.

"Sorry, man. I was trying to help you out, since you looked like you were very deep in thought. I was trying to get your attention for like.. 5 minutes." He said, and pursed his lips. He held a hand out and smiled.

" My name is Carter Reynolds." He said then I took his hand, and shook it. I grinned and introduced myself.

"Hey. My name is Jack Johnson." after that he took my hand, and dragged me somewhere else.  I was trying to keep up, but he was walking too fast. It's more like running.

He took me outside then I saw Nash, but he was in a circle with some strangers.  I rushed over to him, and then Carter joined the circle. A brunette with puffy hair, and a snapback on spoke up.

" Dude, when is Bart going to pick us up?" He said, then one guy shrugged. 

"I - I don't know.." he stuttered out, and the snapback guy crossed his arms then huffed in annoyance.

" Hey, don't take all of this on.." Jack spoke up, then looking at the guy. He furrowed his eyebrows in concern, and looked down to the ground.

" His name is Aaron! You should speak up for once, Carpenter." The guy with the snapback said. Nash leaned to me and whispered in my ear.

" The asshole is Cameron, the nervous guy is Aaron, the justin bieber is Matthew, and the asian is Carter." then I nodded, and gasped. I jumped away from nash and pointed at Cameron.

" THAT IS CAMERON DALLAS, KNOWN AS YOUR CRUSH?!" I mouthed then he glared at me, and shushed. I started laughing hysterically.  Everybody looked at me confusedly, except for Nash. Someone was about to ask, but a vehicle drove beside us.  The window rolled down and inside, revealed; a tan guy with a blazer. His teeth was so white, that it seemed like it was the brightest thing on him. 

"Hello boys, I'm bart. Please come in, and enjoy the ride." He said, then we all went in the vehicle. 

I'm sorry that I took so long with the story.. It's just that I forgot my phone at school and i have a major writer's block. I  am extremely busy with school also, which sucks big major hairy balls. I'm sorry if you thought that this chapter was disappointing.

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