chapter. 9

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Jack Gilinsky

It been two weeks and JJ hadn't spoken to anyone, even Bart. He would only glare at us for a mere minute, or ignore our presence. He doesn't speak unless we're preforming.

It disappointed me when he didn't even want to speak to Shawn; who once cried because he thought that JJ hated him. He only tried to start a conversation with JJ once in a while, but he'd only stare at Shawn with his icy blue eyes. When he's done with staring, he would go back to whatever he's doing.

I didn't realize that I lost in my thoughts when Cameron threw a stuffed monkey at my cheek. I looked at the doll and then at Cameron.

'What the fuck?' I mouthed at him, and he shrugged.

"Can you pass it?" He asked, then I threw the stuffed animal at him. He caught it and continued his conversation with that jerk, Nash Grier. I caught him looking at me, so I flicked him off without looking. I got up from the couch, and walked to JJ. I don't care if he goes all ape shit on me, I don't want him to end up as a mute.

He slowly played a piano which was making Shawn look over. He wants to play it, I know how he feels. I actually want to play it too.

I sat behind and placing my legs on each side of his hips. I looked over his shoulder, which made him tense. I ignored his actions, and played a random piece. He was about to stand up, but I pulled him back down.

"Just play the piano, JJ. Its not going to bite." I whispered, then played. He sighed, and shook his head.

"No.. I don't want to fucking play the piano, while you're sitting like this." He said, quietly. I chuckled, and rested my chin on his shoulder.

"JJ, We both know that you're enjoying this." I said, then he growled.

"Shut the fuck up, her- Jack!" He stuttered, almost calling me 'hero'. I smirked, and nodded.

"Fine then, Johnson.. I'll be available all day" I said, then getting up without making an awkward situation. I walked away, and turning around. He was looking at me, then I winked. He only blushed and turned back to the piano. I chuckled, and turned back around to only crash into someone.

I fell to the floor and the person fell on top of me. I groaned, and rubbed the back of my head.

"Oh sorry, Gilinskayy." Someone said, trailing off while saying my last name. I opened an eye to see Taylor, grinning at me. I chuckled.

"It's all good, Tayler." I joked, trailing off. He gasped, and jokingly glared at me.

"Dude, my name is Taylor not Tayler." He pointed out the obvious, and I rolled my eyes.

"No shit, sherlock!" I said, then he got off of me. He dusted himself off, and stood up. He held a hand out for me, which I took. Taylor pulled me up, and patted my shoulder.

"Your bae is looking over, man." He said, then walking away. I looked behind me, and saw JJ secretly looking over. When he caught me looking at him, he turned back to the piano again.

"He loves you.." Shawn sang silently, while passing by.

I only turned to look at Shawn and raised my eyebrows.

"I know." I said, then he smirked.

"Ask him out, eh?" He joked, making fun of his own nationality.

Don't be offended by the nationality thing, if I laughed; you should laugh too. Nah I'm just kidding. If you thought it was lame AF, oh well. I'm Canadian.
So yeah.. I'll update more. I just wanted to make a short one so you guys would know that I'll be making new chapters.

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