chapter. 3

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We were at a hotel lobby, waiting for Bart to tell us which person that we're going to share with.

He came back with many keys and grinned.

"Okay, here is the seatings. Johnson with Gilinsky, Reynolds with Espinosa, Grier with Dallas, Mendes with Caniff, and Aaron will share with Reynolds and Espinosa.", he said then Matthew did a little jump. Carter fist bumped with Matthew. Two people that Nash didn't tell me about is; the boy with the lazy eye, and the boy with the bandana.

I nudged Nash's shoulder and about to whisper to him, then I saw Jack looking at me. I silently gulped, and asked anyway.

" Who's that guy, and bandana boy?" Then I pointed and Jack raised an eyebrow.

"That is Shawn Mendes, and Taylor Caniff." He said then smiled.

Taylor looked at Shawn, then puckered up for a second. Shawn only rolled his eyes and crossed his arms.

"Does Taylor have a thing for Shawn?" I asked Jack, and he shrugged.

"I don't know? I just met them half an hour ago." He said then I mentally face palmed, for asking a stupid question.

We soon were given our keys and we went to our rooms. It was actually frustrating to share a room with Jack, because he'd always flirt.

"Hey, jack? Did you know that your nose is adorable?" He said, then I rolled my eyes. He was laying on his stomach, and holding his head up with his palms.

"Did you know that was the same line that you said to Hayes?" I scowled, then his eyes widened. He started blushing and apologized.

"I wonder why I liked Hayes.." He muttered, then rolling to be on his back. I scrunched my face in annoyance.

"Why did you even kiss him though?" I asked, and he looked at me. He furrowed his eyebrows and rolled onto his stomach.

"Are you jealous, Jack Johnson?" He said, then I scoffed.

" how can I possibly be jealous of a guy whose name is a horse's meal?", I said then he smirked.

"You're totally jealous of Benjamin.", he said making me confused. Who the fuck is Benjamin?!

" Who in the hell is Benjamin?" I said, then he face palmed.

"Oh my god.." He mumbled.

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