chapter. 29

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Jack G

Nash stood there, frozen. His eyes were wide open.

He was going to run for it but I took his wrist, and covered his mouth. I kept him in my arms, and dragged him into a room.

I let him go, and blocked the door so he won't leave.

"Where are they?" I asked, then he bit his lip.

"I'm not saying a word." He said, then I raised an eyebrow.

" you're not going to try and save your own boyfriend.. Nice move, Hamilton.." I sarcastically said, which made Nash groan.

"Look, I'm not supposed to tell!" He shouted. I placed my index finger over my lips, and we stayed quiet. There were talking in the hallway.

"Hey Aaron- w-wait, what's going on?!" I heard JJ's voice shout, then a laughter echoed through the hallway. I can hear them, and Nash seemed to hear them too.

"Take him to the location, and give him a treatment." A voice purred in the hallway, then I opened the door slightly. I saw Adrian. Yes, I knew her when she tried to disguise herself as Mahogany.

Adrian trailed her hand onto JJ's chest to his lower torso. Oh fuck no, nobody touches him like that except for me.

I went out the hallway, and stomped over to them. I pushed Adrian away from my JJ, and growled at her.

"Hands off!" I shouted at her then turning back to JJ, who was now being held by two large men. I felt a burning sensation inside me.

I punched one of the large men, and kicked the other's knee. They let go of JJ and he ran behind me, then I started beating the two men.

I jumped on one of them, and gave them a headbutt. They fell to the floor, and I went to the other man.

I did an uppercut on him, then he fell to the floor. They were groaning in pain, and they won't stay down for long. I turned back to JJ and took his wrist, then running off with him.


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