chapter. 15

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I looked at how the Jacks look at each other because they would sometimes bite their lip while smirking, giving a flirtous wink to each other , or even a lip lick.

Something is definitely very fishy and I will find out what the secret glances are about. Wait, I'm sounding like I'm jealous.

I told Matthew about my problem and all he did was; shrug, and say that I'm being jealous. No matter how many times I deny it, he keeps giving me that knowing look. He doesn't even understand what I'm saying, although I do admire how
Gilinsky- Woah, woah, woah.. What the actual fuck?

I mentally lectured myself to never think of guys like that.. Except for Matthew.. And Gilinsky

I suddenly groaned in annoyance, then threw my hands in the air. everybody only gave me a confused expression, but I shrugged them off.

I looked up at Matthew, who was sitting across from me; he was obviously tired, and did not want to speak to anyone until he finally eats.  I admire how his hair is flat and his glare at someone when they would speak too loud, or when Nash would throw a piece of wheats cereal at his face.

A few more pieces were thrown at his face, then he bursted in anger. He stood up from his seat, and glared at Nash.

If glares could send daggers, Nash would be sent to the morgue right now.

"Can you please fucking stop throwing cereal at my face, Grier! Is this annoying?! Hm?!  How about this?!" He said while throwing pieces of cereal at Nash then grabbing the whole box, and threw everything that was in the box at Nash.

"..and that was when, Matthew Espinosa lost his chill. " said Jake who was on his phone, not even looking up.

The whole room went into a chorus of laughter, as Matthew rolled his eyes then getting up and leaving.

Nash also got up and left, fuming in anger. Cameron and I went to the direction that the angry boys went, then we were out of the guy's sight.

We heard someone's familiar - once again- narrating voice.

" Two men had the confidence to face the two fuming mad children." then everyone started laughing harder.

I sighed while Cameron just shook his head, and I raised my fist for a bump. He raised his fist too.

"Good luck, Dallas."

" Break a leg, Reynolds." He said , then I scoffed.

"I think Matt is going to be the one to break my leg" I said, then we laughed. We bumped our fists, and went in different directions.

Ayy, I was think of deleting the cash story or at least putting it on hold again.. So I can work on another story that I came up with. It will involve Janoskians, O2L, magcon, pewdiepie, and other youtubers and viners idk. Its going to be apocalyptic.


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