💙💎 When It's His Birthday 💎💙

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March 21st, Happy Birthday, Norman!
Also characters are aged up (young adults)


The morning of the big day came, and as you finished making breakfast, you arranged it onto a tray, and carried it to yours and Norman's bedroom

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The morning of the big day came, and as you finished making breakfast, you arranged it onto a tray, and carried it to yours and Norman's bedroom. You pushed the door open, and walked over to the bed where Norman was still sleeping. You giggled to yourself as you lowered the tray onto your bedside table.

"Hmm," you lifted your finger to your chin, and slightly smirked.

You lowered yourself onto the bed, and wrapped your arms around Norman's shirtless form. Leaning towards his ear, you whispered, "Normaaaaan...."

Norman slightly shifted, letting out a small grunt.

"Honeeeeeey, wake up~" you whispered once more, tracing circles on his chest.

Norman once again let out a small grunt, and took you by surprise by wrapping his arms around you and pulling you closer to him.

"Norman!" You pouted.

Norman smirked and lazily opened one eye.

You smiled, "Time for breakfast!"

"Mmm, five more minutes." He playfully whined, tightening his hold on you.

"Noooorman!" You whined back as he chuckled. He lightly kissed your head.

"So, what is the breakfast that you speak of, love?" Norman asked, both of his gentle, blue eyes now fully open.

"Here." You escapes from his grasp and picked up the tray. He sat himself up and you placed the tray onto his lap.

"Wow," Norman's eyes lit up, "You made this?"

"Yep," you grinned, "I'm actually quite surprised myself."

"Mm," Norman slightly licked his lips and took one bite.

"So, uhm... what do you think?" You nervously smiled.

"It tastes as amazing as it looks. Thank you, (Y/N)." Norman smiled at you.

"Happy birthday, Norman." You leaned and kissed his cheek.

"Hehe, thanks sweetie." Norman chuckled and continued to eat in delight.

"Oh, but don't worry, there's more."



"You got what you needed?" Norman asked as you re-entered the car with a big, baby blue box.

"Yep. Let's go home now!"

"Well, that was quick." Norman chuckled as he turned the wheel.

When you got back to your shared apartment, you opened the door slowly and cleared your throat. Norman looked at you questioningly as you hurriedly walked away from him to turn on the lights. Just as you switched it on, everybody came out of their hiding places and yelled, "Surprise!!"

Norman's eyes widened and his mouth was left agape as he looked at everyone staring back at him. All of his dear friends, Ray, Emma, Phil, Sherry, and even Don and Gilda were there. You turned and laughed at his surprised face.

"You guys.." Norman smiled brightly.

"Now come on, let's eat some cake already!" Emma cheered as you all laughed.

You opened the box and set the (flavor) cake down. Gilda took out some candles from the pack and arranged them accordingly onto the cake. You got a lighter and handed it to Ray. "You wanna do the honors?"

"Eh? Why me?" Ray asked.

"Well, seeing as in Episode 11-12 you tried to kill yourself using fire, most people in the fandom would associate you with being in love with Fire-Chan! Also, I just think that after last chapter with everyone claiming that burning things were YOUR thing, I would think that they would approve of me simply giving you the lighter to light up the candles for my husbando's cake." You smiled.

"I literally have no idea what the fuck you just said but whatever." Ray grabbed the lighter from you and calmly lit the candles. Once he lit the last one, you turned to him and smirked, "You know, if you like the lighter, you can keep it."

"You are so weird." Ray grimaced and put the lighter down.

"Ok! Make a wish, Norman!" You pushes the cake towards where him.

"O-Oh! Ok... hm.." Norman thought for a moment, then he smiled and blew out the candles.

"Alright!" You all clapped, "Let's dig in!"




"Today was fun! We should hang out again soon!" Emma grinned. Ray nodded and slightly smiled.

"Definitely! Have a good night!" You waved to them as they walked down the stairs to the parking lot. You closed the door and turned around to face Norman.

"And finally, I have my present for you." You smiled.

"Oh? What more could you give me, (Y/N)?" Norman chuckled.

"Didn't you notice? I didn't give you your present during the party." You took the present from behind your back and gave it to him. Norman grabbed it and, carefully, he opened it.

It revealed a very fancy wrist watch.

"Aw, this is quite lovely. Thank you, (Y/N)."

"Of course." You smiled and leaned up to kiss his cheek.

Norman grabbed one of your hands, then you found yourself caught in his warm, gentle embrace.

He rested his head on your shoulder and he murmured in your ear, "Really though, thank you for everything, honey. I really enjoyed my birthday today, thanks to you."

He lightly kissed your temple as you chuckled. "Happy birthday, Norman."


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"22194" Norman x Fem!Reader {One-shots AND Scenarios!!!}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant