Duty - ( Doesn't mean all of it )

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Jisoo groaned and take her pillow to close her ears. It not her alarm but it was her phone.
"It's still early..." muttered Jisoo.


It still ringing. Jisoo doesn't want to pick up because she sleepy. She come home late yesterday night because of Jin. Jisoo growled and sit up. She ruffled her hair while groaning annoyingly. She glare at her phone.
"Who's calling me this early morning!!??" growled Jisoo.

She pick up her call.
"Can you let me sleep for a while!!??" yelled Jisoo.
"U-Unnie. I'm so sorry. Am I interrupted? " Claudia asked.
"Claudia? Is that you? How you get my number?" Jisoo asked.
"This is Jin oppa phone. I use it to call you." said Claudia.
"Okay. I'm sorry for yelling just now. I'm just so sleepy. Can I know why you call me?" Jisoo asked as she flop down back at her bed.

Claudia hesitated to ask since Jisoo said she sleepy.
"Um..Unnie. Actually... I..uhh..I need your help." said Claudia.
"What is it?" Jisoo asked.
"Usually, Jin oppa will send me to school. My school is far so..I can't walk. I always use bus but...like I said. Jin oppa always send me. " said Claudia.
"So you asking me to...send you to school? " Jisoo asked.
"Yup." said Claudia.

Jisoo let out a sigh. She usually wake up at 8:00 am but...today she have to wake up at 6:00 am. She sit up and landed her feet on the ground.
"Wait there. I will come." said Jisoo.
"Okay Unnie." said Claudia.

They hang up. Jisoo let out a heavy sigh now. She have to send Claudia to school, send Jiyun to babysitting because Rose has vocal lesson, buy breakfast for Jin and too much thing to do.

Jisoo do her routine. She wear white shirt and button it except for her collarbone. She wear detective coat and fix her hair. She pack her things and pick Jiyun.
"I'm sorry sweetie. I can't clean you. The workers will clean you okay." said Jisoo.

She bring Jiyun out and they drive away.

6:45 am

Jisoo finally arrive at Jin house. She saw Claudia sitting outside at the bench.
"Claudia!! Come!!" Jisoo call. Claudia run to her and get in the car.
"Sorry if I'm late." said Jisoo.
"It okay Unnie. Actually...I'm late since this morning." said Jisoo in low tone.
"Wait. What you mean?" Jisoo asked.
"I have to wake up at 5 am actually. My school start at 7:30 am like that. " said Claudia.

Jisoo hit the break so hard causing Claudia hit her head on her backpack because she put it on her laps in front of her.
"That's mean you already late!! Why you don't tell me before!?!?" scolded Jisoo.
"Umm..I'm sorry. I..I don't want to make you rushing." said Claudia.
"Ugh!! You already late!! I have to send you first then Jiyun." said Jisoo.

She start drive. Claudia frowned by what she said.
"Who's Jiyun?" Claudia asked. Jisoo eyes become wide. She totally forgot Jiyun in the car. Claudia look behind and saw a baby sitting on baby chair.
"Unnie..this is Jiyun? Is this..your son?" Claudia asked.

Jisoo already nervous. She don't know how to answer it. She hide it from everyone except for her old company.
"It..um.." Jisoo finally gave up. She let out a sigh.
"Yes. He is my son. I already married but...already divorce." said Jisoo. Claudia stared at her.
"You must understand why I hide it. " said Jisoo.

Claudia look outside window.
"Does Jin Oppa know?" Claudia asked.
"Why he must know?" Jisoo confused.
"Just asking." said Claudia.
"No. No one know except for my old company." said Jisoo.

Chanyeol Oppa didn't tell him. Well, it not his fault..he has no right to tell him.

Claudia look at Jisoo and smile.
"Okay. Anyway, it normal tho. Everyone already feel how the person that we love leave us." said Claudia.
"Your parents. " said Jisoo.
"Yeah. They died. Me and Jin oppa lose our parents since we child. " said Claudia.

Jisoo didn't replied anything. She know it not a good subject to talk. She miss her parents. So long she didn't visit them. Since Jinyoung gone...she can't smile lovely anymore. Her parents far away. She have to survive by her own.

"Unnie!! Stop!!" yelled Claudia. Jisoo hit the break and stop. Claudia let out a relief sigh.
"You almost pass the school." said Claudia.
"I'm sorry. " said Jisoo.
"It okay. Anyway, thank you unnie. " said Claudia.

Claudia went out but before she close the door...
"Jin Oppa will have dizziness and he can't live by himself after drunk. I rely on you Unnie to take care of him!!" said Claudia.
"Okay- wait what!?" the door already close.

Jisoo groaned frustratedly and put her forhead on the steering wheel. Jiyun just let out a giggles.
"It not funny Jiyun. " said Jisoo. She let out a sigh.
"Let's send you first." said Jisoo and start to drive.


Jisoo open the door slowly and notice realise that Jin still not wake up. She close the door and saw...
"Wow. So neat." said Jisoo.

She went to kitchen and make breakfast for Jin. Even she didn't like this work but she has to. For her and Jiyun life. Suddenly, her phone ringing. She pick up.
"Mrs Kim. I'm the owner of your house. You didn't pay almost 4 months. " the owner said.
"I'm sorry but..can you give me time?" Jisoo asked.
"I already give you time. I'm sorry Mrs Kim but you have to leave today. I will visit tomorrow and I don't want to see you in there." said the owner.

Jisoo heart become sank.
"Okay. " said Jisoo. They hang up.

What I have to do now??

Jisoo staring at the fried eggs and fried rice. She wondered, can she raised Jiyun by her own? Should she send him to somewhere else? She love Jiyun very much. Only him is her family right now.

She shed her tears and it dripping. Suddenly, a voice make her flinched.
"What are you doing?"

Jisoo wiped her tears and turn around with smile.
"Making your breakfast. Here." Jisoo place the plate on the table.
"Why? " Jin asked.
"Claudia said you can't be by your own after you drunk." said Jisoo.
"Argh..I will kill that tiny girl for breaking my secret. Anyway, why your eyes red?" Jin asked.

Jisoo look away.
"Probably..not enough sleep." said Jisoo. Jin stare at her blankly.
"I will wait for you at living room. " said Jisoo and walked away.

She sit on couch and sigh.
"I shouldn't make an eyes contact with him." said Jisoo.

Continue ~

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