time to move on

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Yes this is the last chapter. I promise you I tried to not end this but it's been a real struggle to find what to say and make a full story. Please enjoy our last real chapter.

Cassidy pov
This is the life. Hawaii is amazing. I don't think I'll ever leave here. I was able to get a job at the local thrift store. I'm also able to do my YouTube videos to make some extra money on the side. I made a vlog of me heading to Hawaii. I only show Elliott a few times. It gets a lot of veiws. Like half a million I was even able to get a sponsor for the video. I made enough for atleast my first couple months rent.

I haven't told the boys quite yet but the renting of this beach house is much longer. I did it for 6 months and not the 2 weeks they all thought. What can I say I like to live how I want and not how others want me to.

Elliott pov
It kinda is weird going to Hawaii with my ex and without my girlfriend. Me and Cassidy are not doing anything. We are not a thing and I'm not cheating on liv. We are just friends. Nothing more than chillin and some cuddlin. (Idk I feel like that sounded more him I might be wrong)

Cassidy pov
With cray coming tomorrow and Elliott leaving tomorrow night I need to just tell Elliott how I feel. me and Elliott are laying in bed. "Elliott,"


"I need to tell you something"

He sits up. "Okay"

"Listen. I'm staying here. I'm not going back. I don't care what anyone says I know what I want" I pause for a moment "Do you still like me?"

"I mean a little why?"

"Can we be friends with benefits until it's time for you to leave?"

"Cass.. I'm with liv. Its cheating. I don't know if I can do that"

"Come on.." I sit in his lap facing him. I put my hand on his face and pull him into a kiss. "You don't have to tell. It's the last time this will ever happen" I start grinding my hips on him.

He always loved when I did this. I start kissing down his neck. Then back up and kissing his lips. "Fuck it let's make this quick"

》skip to the next day 》

Before Elliott leaves to get Cray I vlog a little bit of it. After the clip ends we make out for the last time. I can tell Elliott seems a little down. I'm sad about it too.

》skip to when Cray gets to the house

(Still Cassidy's pov btw)

I hear Cray and Elliott talking thru the open window. I grab my camera and vlog Crays reaction to the house. While Elliott was gone I moved his stuff so that It looked like he was staying on the couch. Hopefully cray doesn't question it.

"Wow. This place is actucally insane" Cray says

"Yeah I know right" -Elliott

"So, Cray are you ready to go to the beach yet? You're gonna love it" -cass

"Uh yeah,I'll just put my stuff away" -cray

"Alright. Come on Elliott you should come with" -cass

"Sure (whispers "can we talk")

I nod my head. We go into my room and he starts changing. "You're being weird. You need to chill. Did you take something again?"

"Shit. Yeah. Sorry I'll try to be cool"

We spend most of the time on the beach and getting my vlog footage until Elliott has to get packed. Me and Cray watch a movie on the couch then it's time to say our goodbyes and Elliott calls for a uber. Elliott says his goodbyes for the camera and hes off. As soon as the camera stopped you could tell his mood dropped. I give him one last long hug and whisper "I love you. I'll miss you" and then say outloud "keep me updated when you get to the airport and back home"

Cray POV
I never know how to feel anymore about Cassidy. Shes way off. She ran away from me. She was with Elliott and now she was just with Elliott in this house again. I've decided to detach myself from her as much as I can. I don't want to be too attached anymore.

Cassidy pov
"Cray listen. I have to tell you something. Nothing you can say will change my mind either. I'm staying here. I'll come back once a month to see the kids. I'm sorry. But let's just make the most out of this while we can. And the first time I come I'll bring the kids here for a little while"

"Did you even want kids. It doesn't seem like it. You're hardly around for them anymore. And just leave to a new country. What are we supposed to do?"

"Cray. I have this figured out. I'm going to try and figure out some things. I'll send some money to you to help the kids. I promise you okay. And I guess I didn't realize it was going to be like this. I'm sorry. But I feel like they are way safer with you than me I'm not good mentally. I went to a therapist the other day with Elliott and they think I am possibly becoming bipolar like my mom was based on my actions"

Cray is pretty quiet. He gets up and starts walking to the door "cray" "leave me alone" he walks out onto the beach. I feel bad. I start crying. Something people probably don't know about is my ability to feel the emotions of others. I can't calm down. I start freaking out. I never know what to do but to take a nap.

Cassidy pov
I wake up. I'm in pain. A lot of pain. I take some pills and go to find cray. Hes over on the beach still he fell asleep on a towel. "Hey" I say shaking him. He wakes up and looks around him. His back is sun burnt. He sees me. He does a little smile. "Yes?"

"Cray you need to come back inside. Your back is burnt and I want to do something" 

He picks up his things "okay. Then let's go"

We go back. I tell cray to go lay on the bed I get some things to help him feel better. "Hey Cass, I think I'm gonna head back early"

"What. Why?"

"Theres no point in me staying here anymore. We aren't into each other anymore. I can tell and I know you can too."

"Are you sure? I mean why not stay. Have some time off from the kids and enjoy it here. Even if we don't really talk much or do much together"

"I already moved my tickets. I'm leaving in 3 instead of the 7 days"


"What do I tell the kids?"

"Tell them I went here for my job. They will come here soon. It will be a lot of fun too."

"Alright. Completely lie to them got it"

"I don't like your fucking attitude Cray stop being such a dick"

"You're leaving our kids and me. You fucking shattered my heart. I love you. I love you so much but don't you realize that. The kids love you. Everyone in click loves you. But you don't seem to care. Cassidy you can't keep running away from your problems" 

Cray POV
She looks at me. She starts crying. Fuck. She needs to hear it. I try to hug her. She pushes me away. She runs up to our room and slams the door. Sigh. I give it a minute and then try to knock on the door. "Fuck off" I sit with my back on the door. She opens it "I said fuck off" I get up and put my arms around her. I take her to the bed and cuddle her. This hurts me but anything to make her kinda happy I guess.

The next few days was just her being moody and not wanting to talk. The only time we talked is when she would be yelling at me starting fights. This wasn't how I wanted it to end but I head to the airport and go home. Hopefully she does okay on her own.

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