lover boy😏😘

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Elliott POV
"I got money and hoes. Money and hoes" I love this song. Cassidy comes in my room. "Elliott turn this shit off it's annoying me" I do the next song. "Loving is easy. You had me fucked up. It used to be so hard.." "well this Is depressing" "yeah. I know" I found this song after we split I usually only play this stuff in private. Nobody knows.

Cassidy POV
I listen to that stuff but my emotions are all over the place latley. Work sucks. I hate it and I want to quit but I can't yet. I told myself I'd work at least 3 months and it's only been 2 and 2 weeks.  "I want to have sex now"

Elliott POV
"Cassidy you're very much pregnant and we aren't even dating. We can't" "fine then be a dick I'll fucking ask someone else" she says and storms out. What the fuck is going on with her. She's asked me so many times. Bazz is at work so she's going back to cheating It seems. Shes such slut.

Cray POV
Cassidy came in. I was streaming at the time playing fortnite. "Crayy would you come with me for a bit" that's our way of saying things but not being caught. "Uh can I play one more round quick?" "Fine but I'm gonna lay on you're bed then." I'm trying to act like this is a normal thing and not freak out. I'm getting hard. I only last for one fight and I'm killed. "Alright well guys I might stream later but for now I'm gonna help out Cassidy." And I end the stream.

Cassidy POV
"I want you" "oh god i want you too but we shouldn't. Babygirl You're pregnant" (hi me coming in here. Omg I love the way cray says "babygirl" 😍💕 sorry continuing on). "I don't care. Please. It won't hurt me. We just have to go easy." Please just fuck me. "Baby.." "come on lover boy. We don't have to tell" cray goes and locks the door.

😏😘Cray POV😏😘
Yes let's fucking go. "I've missed you so much" she says pausing before we continue making out. "Trust me. I've missed you more" I say back. (DUN DUN DUNNNN also this is cringy sorry)

Narrator POV
So I'm currently sitting at work today and came up with this chapter. I'm right by security cameras so sorry no sex sences. Just know that no they didn't get caught. But how much of that did the stream hear? The answer coming up right after this commercial break.

Did you know I have a cat. I love taking pictures and I took a really good one on my phone the other day of her. Sorry its sideways but it looks so freaking professional. Her names Luna and her instagram account is @ lunalu027. She doesn't have many followers sadly ☹ go give her a follow today. 😊

Welcome back

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Welcome back. After cray hit end stream they waited for 5 minutes to make sure the stream was done before they did anything. But they didn't check and well The stream heard a total of 1 minutes and 9 seconds of that conversation. But now what will happen? Will bazz find out? Will he be mad? Will the break up? Who knows? Only me. Well and you now.

Words spread like wildfire they start getting comments in Kaths stream. She seems confused. She doesn't know what to do either. "Guys can you stop saying that stuff here. If it happened oh well if it wasn't her then wouldn't you feel bad. Don't assume and no more commenting about that"

Bazz is still at work for another hour. No words are said to cray or Cassidy in that time period. Kath doesn't text bazz since shes still streaming. Cray is helping Elliott with a YouTube video. Cassidy is in her room now watching Netflix. Everything is normal. No body says anything and life is good.

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