wait what happened?

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Cray POV
"Look baby let me tell you what has all happened." Now trust me I didn't cheat on her even tho the idea ran thru my head. The kids started going to preschool now (idk if Australia has that too but hopefully) Kath and Marcus moved into their own house, click and Lannan have the same official building, and so now the click house is not going to be the click house. It is being sold and Bazz and his girlfriend are moving somewhere else. "We may all be apart but this way we still have a place to come together and still have our own lives." Was posted on the click account for the fans (sorry wanted to just update what all happened while she was gone)

Cray says to her
"But if you are pregnant we should tell them. Everyone"

Cassidy pov
"I don't want to tell Elliott he doesnt need to fucking know. Fuck him" "baby come on now. We can do it at the click video shooting okay? That way theres plenty of us around and nothing should happen. Alright?" I'm not sure about any of this. I feel like I shouldn't have this baby "..Okay" 

Hi I never really interrupt much with my own words but I want to just kinda go with why Cassidy is so against Elliott in the story. So heres a bit more of explaining. Enjoy.

Cassidy pov
Elliott has Lilly today and he wont answer the phone for some reason. He usually answers or calls back in a few minutes. I go on snap map and I find where he is. No I'm not a stalker but I'm just a worried mom is all. He seems to be at a restaurant but its 2 hours after he was going to drop off Lilly so I decide to go and just try and pick her up.

Elliott pov
I take Lilly and Liv to the park. I'm not sure who is having more fun really. Afterwards we go to a restaurant across the park. We aren't watching the time but oh well it doesn't matter now anyways. I call up one of my friends to take Lilly so me and liv can go do some stuff without her. Me and Liv are walking out when I see Cassidy. Shit.

Cassidy pov
"Where's Lilly?" Shes not with them. What the hell. "Oh uh one of my friends took her so me and Liv can chill" "what the hell Elliott. You were supposed to bring her back 2 and a half hours ago. Where is she."

Elliott pov
"Chill. I'll take you to their house" we all get in my car and go to (insert random name.. "Greg") Greg's house. We knock on the door and his girlfriend answers it. He had to take her to the hospital after she had a allergic reaction.

Cassidy pov
"What the fuck. Let's go. Now" We all get back in his car and go to the hospital. I'm so pissed off. After we get their we find out it was because of what Elliott gave her at the restaurant. He should have known already her allergies. "What the hell is wrong with you. You're her father you should have fucking know better"

Elliott pov
"I forgot okay. Sorry" "how the hell do you forget this type of thing" I get it I messed up but shes going fucking crazy. "Chill dude. Shes fine" "yeah she is now no thanks to you". I don't know how to calm her down. "Look I'll pay for it all.."

Cassidy pov
Wow. He really thinks paying for this is going to help. Fuck him. "I want you out of here. Now". liv trys to talk but I don't care "cass.." she starts
"no I don't care. Liv I'm sorry I'm not mad at you but I can't be around him right now so please take him out of here". They leave. I'm still so pissed. I thank Greg for all the help and he leaves as well. I call cray and he comes by my side and I explain everything.

Hey me again but i hope that kinda helps. I honestly don't know why but i had like something else but i felt like it really made Elliott seem like a dick and I didn't want to do that so he hopefully seems less of a dick this way. But anyways shes mad because of him passing her on, being late, and just being the reason Lilly was in the hospital. Elliott has many times passed Lilly over to Greg she finds out at the hospital. Shes basically just super salty about it. And they also have had other personal fights along with that. So I Hope that helps a little bit 😊

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