not again

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Cassidy pov
I didn't go with cray to tell everyone. I stayed home. Then I write a note. I put it on the table. I then grab my things and I leave. I don't know what I'm doing or why I'm doing it but something is telling me to leave. I go to all the different places I've met or did things with the click members. I don't feel anything. I go outside the building click is shooting at. I say goodbye to everyone without them knowing. I decided to go to the bar I met Elliott at. I start drinking not looking at the time.

This next part idk how you will like it. But the ending of this story will be way out there just saying. I've had these random parts in my head and I've tried to keep the story smooth but here we go honey. Things might be somewhat confusing but I don't want to be like in the middle spoiling stuff. Here we go tho.

~drunk words are sober thoughts~

Elliott pov
I go to the bar. I felt like I was meant to be here. I don't even want to be here but something is telling me to. I see Cassidy there.

"What are you doing here" she says to me as I walk up to her.

"Why are you here" I should be asking why she is drinking.

"It doesn't matter to you so fuck off" I go talk to the bartender and try and get any info that he might know. All he tells me is that shes drank a lot and she came in crying 2 hours ago.

"Come on Cass, let's go" she trys and fights me

"let go of me. I don't want to be with you" she yells and everyone looks. I grab her things and help her out of the bar. I try getting her into my car and she keeps fighting me. I get her in finally somehow. I lock the doors and start driving. She keeps trying to get out.

(This is Elliotts pov but I'm separating it out because it's a lot of talking)

"Elliott let me get out. Now. You can't fucking kidnap me like this"

"Cassidy, what is wrong with you. I'm trying to fucking help you. Calm down please"

"No. You can't tell me what to do. I'm not yours anymore. Where are you taking me"

"I'm taking you back to your house.."

"NO. I'm not going there. I don't want to be by him." She starts freaking out trying to open the door.

"Okay okay calm down please. I'll take you to my house. Is that okay?"

"Fine but don't tell cray I'm there. I don't want him to know I'm still around" I'm so confused. What is that supposed to mean.

"Why? You just came back after running away, you tell him your pregnant then you go drink and you won't be by him. Explain how any of this makes sense "

"I don't know if I can do relationships anymore. I'm not happy with life anymore and I'm getting a abortion. The kids I already have are too much and I can barely handle taking care of myself"

"Have you told cray about all of this?"

*sigh* "I left a note when i left the house. Saying most of it all. Please elliott don't let anyone know. I need you to help me" I hesitate thinking about it for a minute.

*sigh* "Fine. You're lucky that liv is gone for the next 2 weeks. Did you have a plan of where you were going"

"Yeah. It wasn't a very nice one tho. I hoped that a random guy wanted me and I'd go with him or I took my own way out"

We pull up to my house. I get her a place to hid out. We have a little secret room she will be staying in for the most part coming out just when necessary. We don't want to risk It at all. I hate being in this position but shes even worse than when I first met her.

Cassidy pov
Elliott is so nice. I've been a bitch to him and he still is helping me. I want to give him so much but I have nothing much to offer but sex and some weed. I go to see Elliott for a little while in his room. Hes recording so I just chill on his bed. I end up falling asleep somehow not waking up through his raging.

I can sense hes by me. He puts a blanket over me. Hes so kind. I kinda forgot he was so nice. He gets into bed by me keeping space between us. I wait a minute or two. "Babe can we cuddle. I'm cold"

Elliott pov
She called me babe. I heard that. I'm not sure if she meant to or if it was an accident. I don't move. I just look at her. She turns to me. "Please daddy Elliott" what is going on here. I stare at her not saying yes or no. She comes and lays on me. "I missed you" she kisses me.

I kiss back but I don't know why. She is one of the best kissers but I'm in love with Liv. I don't want to hurt her in her time of need so I just hug her and tell her I'm tired and need sleep. Thankfully shes fine with it but she won't get off of me.

Spicy? I think so. This is part 53 and the last one is 55 so. These chapters will be interesting and longer. Really hope you enjoyed this. Just hang in there. Its not going to end how you'd think.

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