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If this isnt the most Australian thing I've ever seen. Also question about who the girl was in the pic he posted. That's his new girlfriend in this story. Coming up. Idk if they are or aren't dating but they are in this story now (later)

Cassidy pov
I get to the hospital and ask them where he went. They won't let me back. "I'm his girlfriend. Let me in to see him right now!" (Slightly raised voice) "sorry.. but.." "I SAID LET ME IN TO SEE HIM" (yelling in the lady's face) someone else comes over and grabs my arm. "Keep your voice down. I'll take you to him but you need to calm down" she takes me to the room. Elliott is there sitting by him. He comes and hugs me instantly.

Elliott pov
"Look I didn't know this was going to happen. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Please.." "enough. Is he going to be okay" Shes pissed "yeah. Hes just got some broken bones but hes alright" "okay. Why is he out then" I hesitated. Bazz spoke up for me "hes under a pain induced coma I guess"

Cassidy pov
"oh cray I'm so sorry babe" I hold his hand and sit by him. Elliott walks out and I don't really notice it. Bazz asked me if I wanted anything from the restraunt area. "Coffee would be nice I guess" he leaves and it's just me and cray. After a few minutes he wakes up. "Cray you're awake" I go tell the nurse. He comes and checks him for different things. Cray talks a little. Asks what happened. The doctor explained but didn't tell him by who. I'm thankful.

Elliott pov
I walk out. Now that shes here I don't want to deal with this. I feel bad enough. I'm not very religious but theres this little like church area. I go in and there isn't anyone there thankfully. I just sit in there and think. Hoping he will be okay. Praying he will be okay. I go and get something to eat at the food place here.

Bazz POV
I can't deal with this. I'm so mad at Elliott. He told me he didn't even notice until afterwards. He wasn't looking at the road. He was watching where marcus was when he hit cray.
By the way marcus he isn't even here. That pisses me off.

Cray POV
I wake up. I see cassidy by my side. Then she leaves and comes back. I see a nurse I'm guessing come to me. I cant hear anything. "Nathan can you hear me... If you can hear me can you wiggle your toes"

Cassidy pov
"what's going on. Can he not hear us" "i don't think he can.. he does feel things. He grabbed back my hand and he responded to this on his foot" (hi I watch lots of doctor shows so ik what I'm talking about lol) oh god "is this permanent" "well more than likely no but I'll go talk to the doctor. Here's a pen and some paper so you can talk" I take it and go sit by him.

Cray pov
I can hear them. The nurse and Cassidy are talking but I can't make out what they are saying. Her face drops. She comes and sits by me. She holds my hand. She starts crying. I feel so terrible. I try and grab for the paper. She hands it to me. I write out. *what did they say. Be honest* she writes it out to me. I respond with *we will get through this. Just hopefully it doesn't last forever. I love you❤*

Hi also yes bazz and that girl are dating I guess. Well there goes me dating him now but I'm so glad he found someone.

Click house sl*tOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora