the big day

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People want me to move it along and I agree so we are gonna skip some months. Normal day things happen between then and now.

Cassidy POV
So woah the day has came. We head to the hospital. I go in for my surgery at 1pm. The last baby was delivered at 1:38pm. I wake up in the bed. The surgery went alright and the babies are in the caring unit.

Bazz POV
I'm so happy we finally get to meet the babies. We named them rose, Lilly, and trevor. (Idk if these are like names that are popular in Australia I just went with names that I want to name my future kids) we put the last names as cassidys since we dont know who the father/fathers are.

Elliott POV
We are in the waiting room. Only bazz is by Cassidy at the time. They wanted alone time which I get. We decided to go get food and then come back. The family came so we figured we would let them have their time.

Cray POV
I text bazz and ask if he wanted food. He said not for Cassidy and he would just eat with her. We go and get some food and go grab some little gifts. We come back and we are able to enter the room.

Elliott POV
The babies are beautiful. They are going to be a lot for the click house but we are all so happy and excited.
The babies have to stay a few nights due to them being early. Cassidy goes home after a day. She didn't want to but I refused to let her get no sleep. We would go home and sleep for a bit then wake up and go back for the day.

Cray POV
Elliott and Cassidy came home one night. And well I wanted to go see them so badly. I went to the hospital to just see them. A nurse came by "is one of them yours?" "Well we aren't sure yet. We need to do the DNA tests" "oh really. Which one?" I point to all three of them. "Well. Would you like to hold one of them?" "I'd love to"

I go back and get to hold trevor. I fell in love instantly. God I hope he's mine. He starts fussing. I kinda freak out. I try to figure it out but the nurse comes and gets him. I tell her thanks and I leave again going back home. Only one more day until we find out. 20 hours 14 minutes and 8. No 7 seconds.

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