lets do this

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Elliott Pov
i get woken up when Fresh leaves the room. i lay there a bit preparing my self for whats about to happen. I'm so nervous and excited all in one. i look at my phone i got a text from Cassidy. "good morning Bazz and Elliott. i was wondering if we could meet up before the event. let me know whenever you wake up. love you both" i go and text her. "hey baby good morning. when do you want to meet up" "morning and how about in half an hour?" "sure that works where at?" "we can meet in my room." "alright im gonna take a shower see then baby. love you" "love you too"

Bazz pov
i wake up and saw the text from Cassidy. i texted her back and she told me to meet her in her room in an hour. i ask if we can hang out before and she said it would be fine after she showered. I'm currently just relaxing in the room and talking with Cray while i wait for a text back. we talk about the plans for the day and wonder how many fans would be there.

Cassidy Pov
after my shower i see that Elliott texted me. i text him back and then go to text bazz. he comes over and we cuddle in the bed. we watch some youtube before Elliott comes to the door. i go get it and i sit them on the bed. "so i was thinking. and you guys dont have to but it's just something i thought would be kinda cool. i was thinking that when we go to walk in we could maybe walk in with me holding your guy's hands." "alright" "yeah that's fine with me" "okay cool" i kiss the both of them.

Bazz Pov
"you guys are the best." she says kissing me and then Elliott. haha Elliott i was first fight me.  lannan makes some gagging nosies. "oh bugger off Lannan" "no no. I'll be okay" we head down to the lobby and we all do some praticing rounds and get everything set up. Cassidy hangs around me mostly since theres a lot of people over by Elliott at the time. there's no way I'll do very good if my teammate isn't better than me. i let Cassidy play a pratice round. and then we have to go up in this booth area.

Elliott pov
we walk by the fans. me and bazz both holding Cassidys hands. they are cheering for me. i hear a few bad comment about Cassidy. and i hear some cheering about Bazz. we wave and go to the booth area. i can tell Cassidy is down about the few comments that we made. i don't want to say anything right now and i forget about it.

Cassidy Pov
i pretend to not hear the comments made "slut" is what keeps sticking out the most to me. "hey bazz could we go back to the room for a while" "sure. Elliott let me know when i need to be back." "alright" we go back to the room and of course we have to go back through the fans. greattt. we have to push through them without any guards or any help. I'm holding Bazz's hand so i don't get lost in the sea of people. hes infront pushing through and i follow right behind him. some more comments are said. why cant i get a break.

Bazz Pov
"hey whoever is saying those comments can shut it. if you were actually fans you wouldn't be saying that stuff. we can and will get you kicked out if you don't stop. you don't know the whole story so you shouldn't even be talking" people go quiet and we get through them and go to the room. Cassidy is pretty silent. "hey what's wrong" "i don't get it bazz. what am i doing wrong. i just want to live my life and i just can't." "baby I'm sorry but please just know we all care about you. those people are wrong. they are probably just jealous. i mean look at who you are dating. me and Elliott are pretty amazing"

Cassidy Pov
"yeah you are." i say laughing a bit. "please don't let them get to you. they don't know about who you really are. don't let them bother you. okay" "okay. Thanks Bazzi" "you're welcome" "do i have to go back. i kinda don't want to" "come on now. i know you were excited about this. you can stay by me and I'll protect you" "fine. but I'm going to request a chair to be by you so you know" "that's fine baby. and if they dont let you then they can suck it" "hey now thats my job" he looks at me in a bit of shock that i said that. "what it's true"

Bazz Pov
she's right but damn baby you can't right now. "maybe when we get done?" "maybe".  we go back to the event. through the fans who are now not being rude at all. i get there just in time. i was announced and then we sat down and started playing. i realized quickly I'm not that good compaired to everyone else. i end up not making it into the big event neither did Lannan. we go to a different area to watch. after a long time its all over. we go back to the hotel rooms and then we all decide to go out to eat somewhere to celebrate how well Fresh did.

~the food was good and so was the trip i had lots of fun and can't wait to be back home again~

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