Mr Muselk

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This is a very intense ending. Going to be rated M for mature.

Elliott Pov
I woke up and go downstairs and tell the house about our plan for the day. She doesn't know it yet but me and her are going shopping. She never brought any clothes so we are going to her house and then we are going shopping so she can get some newer clothes. She said she lives on the other side of town in a apartment. I'm excited to live with her. She doesn't know it but she's going to be living here with me for quite a while.

Bazz Pov
I want to go by her. I want to kiss her and cuddle her and hold her close. I want her to be mine. Elliott can find someone else. I need to talk to her about what happened with us. I need to talk to someone about this. "Hey cray could I have a talk with you?" "Sure bazz" we go to his room "I have an issue" "okay" "I shut the door. "I'm in love with Cassidy and I can't stop thinking about her" "mhm.. and how does that make you feel?" "Sad. She's not mine. And mad she's Elliott's" "well ask her out Elliott can't keep her from you" "your right, I just have to do everything I can to make her mine. Thank you cray"

Cassidy Pov
Elliott's taking me to my house to get my stuff. I feel scared. I have a small stupid run down apartment. Compared to what he owns it's like a shelter. I don't have any nice clothes they are all pretty old. I wish I had money to get some. "Hey I need to stop at the mall and get some new clothes is that okay?" "Oh yeah that's fine I love going shopping"  fucking hell I swear if Andrew took my emergency money I'm gonna be pissed off.

Long convo C Cassidy E Elliott

C-Hey uh do you have to go in?
E-you don't have to hide anything from me trust me it's not gonna change my thoughts towards you
C- look I have a roommate and he's not a good man I don't want you to be hurt or anything. No offense but unless you are good at fighting your really fitting in the "pretty boy" stereotype
E- what do you mean, how I'm dressed is gonna affect it?
C-to him it will, I might change how I'm acting okay. I promise I don't wanna do this but you don't know Andrew. Just don't be a pussy and don't start a fight and you should be okay. If we are lucky he will be stoned on the couch.
E-anything else I should be worried about
C-if he pulls a gun out don't break down. I'll take care of it. Basically just keep quiet and don't stare or act scared
E-Baby im scared
C- you don't have to go in don't worry
E-hell no I'm going with you.
C-alright if you say so

Elliott Pov
We get to her apartment. She gets her keys "ready?" "Wait" I kiss her "I love you" "I love you too now lets get this over with" we get out and she unlocks the door of the apartment. "Who the hells this" "don't worry bout it" "what's your name" "Muselk" he laughs "how bout your real name MR MUSELK" he says pulling out his gun. She smacks it out of his hands "don't you fuckin try that shit again or else" we start to move and he try's to pick it up. Cassidy pulls a gun out "fucking do it" "fine you win I'm leaving this shitty ass place" he leaves while shoving me out of the way. "Wow" she points the gun at me "baby what-what are you doing" she points it at my head "I believe you're going to do what I say"

~what did I do to make her turn on me like this~

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