a new beginning?

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Cassidy POV
I hate how things are going. Elliott can't seem to move on and live without me. I don't know how we are going to even get it to stop. Lannan texts me and wants me in a video. Why me of all people tho I suck at fortnite. He invites me over so I'm like okay fine whatever and we set up a time.

Lannan Pov
I don't explain what we are doing because I don't know yet. I've just been asked to do a video with Cassidy. I'm thinking of doing a slight prank or something. I suck at ideas

Cassidy POV
Well now we are back in the house it feels kinda nice. They have to do a click video. It's doing assumptions. One of the assumptions for bazz was "he isn't really dating Cassidy" so he responds with "well if I wasn't dating her would I do this" and kisses me. The camera cuts.

Elliott POV
I tried to hide my feelings at that point but you can tell I didn't like what just happened. It was supposed to be my turn next but I tell someone else to go so I could get back in the mood of even filming this video. After we finish it I'm going to my room when one of our crew members talk to me "hey Elliott" I turn to her "hey liv" "you alright" "yeah. I'm okay" I say lying "you want  to go somewhere" she asks. I'm kinda in shock "uh sure I'll be right back"

I grab my wallet and we go to my car. "So where we going" I ask "uh ice cream?"(idk where else to go so it's going to be to get ice cream a lot lol) "Sure" I drive to the place me and Cassidy would go. We order and sit down. "So why did you want to come here?" I ask "Well I know it's been hard with bazz and Cassidy so I figured I'd help get your mind off her and maybe on me" "what do you mean liv" she pauses "I mean I'm single and so are you" liv says while her face gets a little red. "so you want to like date?" "Yeah?" She says unsure  "uh well I don't know quite yet" this is out of no where. I'm kinda shocked. I thought she was just wanting to hang out like friends. "it's alright just think about it"

Cray POV
I'm just chillin in my room streaming fortnite and elliott comes in. "Bro I need your advice" "I mean I'm streaming but if you want I can step out and we can talk" cray says "yeah that'd be great"i say and walk into the hallway. "alright chat I'll be back. I'm gonna just play some music. Fresh I'll be back" I hear cray saying to the stream and he puts on music then he comes out to the hallway. We go into my room for some privacy.

Elliott POV
I explain what just happened . "What do I do" cray thinks for a second then says "I don't know man. It's all up to you. Do you think your ready?" "I think so but do you think I should hang out with her so I know her a bit more?" I'm not good with these types of things. "Hell yeah dude. That's a good plan" "alright thanks cray" "yeah no problem" he says and goes back to his room. I text Liv saying "hey. How about we hang out later this week. I just feel like I should hang around you more that's not work related" a little while later she responds saying "yeah I totally get it. How about Thursday night?" I look at my schedule "that works for me :)"

Hey guys so sorry for not posting in literally forever. I had to get a new phone cause my other one was glitching out and wouldn't save my chapters. It was annoying. But i just want to say shout out to the person who wanted me to put lannan back in. I'm going to put him in the next chapter for sure.

Also if you guys want something to happen literally just comment and I'll do my best to make it happen. I'm all about what you guys want. So please do comment what you want :)

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