Chapter 49

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"Omg. Jungkook?"

She said, surprised that she saw his brother's ex at the same spot.

Jungkook raked his hand on his not-so-long wavy hair and fixing it.

"Hi, how are you?" Jungkook asked her, a little bit awkward in which the girl easily noticed.

Chaeyoung couldn't help but observe the guy in silence, noticing that it looks like he lost a bit weight. Unlike those times that he's always at their house to visit her brother, Jungkook had a little more meat back then.

Although he lost weight, his toned body is still there, still looking handsome as usual. It's just that, when you first look at him, weight loss was obvious.

"Ah, I'm good. How about you? I already knew about--uh--what happened to you and my brother." She slowly uttered, swaying her body side to side uncomfortably.

This guy made Jimin cry. But despite of those things, she thought that Jungkook had been always good to her. He treated her like a real sister and she won't be lying if she says that she still wants Jungkook for his brother. Well, he was Jimin's first boyfriend, and the first time he saw the glow on his brother's face was when they were still together.

Of course she wish nothing but the best for Jimin. She's still rooting for their relationship to continue.

"Yea, sorry about that and I'm an asshole for doing that to your brother." Jungkook apologized, his eyes meeting the floor as he continue.

"Well, what you did was totally wrong and it hurts me too because you hurt Jimin but, just like what they say, you just have to change for the better. I'm not going to say that I finally forgive you, but I think everyone deserves a second chance so as her sister, if you trully love him, then I'm also giving you a second chance to prove it to me, to him. Because you know what? I really like you for Jimin. Don't hurt him, he's too precious to get hurt."

The side of Jungkook's lips curved, at the same time, there's a sadness in his eyes.

"I really love your brother to be honest, it's just that...I'm such a dick for hurting him, for making him cry. When he broke up with me, I realized I totally deserve it." Despite of getting sad after he remembered that day they ended up their relationship, Jungkook still managed to keep a smile from his lips. "But now, I'm fixing my messy life for him, for myself and for everyone around me. I just realized I can't be an asshole for my whole life, I can't bear to lose another person I love again." He stated while playing with the bucket hat in his hand.

Chaeyoung patted his arms and smiled. She can feel the sincerity in him. She can see that he's changing, and that's good. At least, he's learning.

"So, I'm not going to ask you what are you doing here because it's obvious that you're here to buy groceries..." Jungkook chuckled and stared at the push cart on the side. "Are you--with someone?"

He didn't directly ask her but she knows, Jungkook wanted to ask if she's with Jimin. From the way he anticipates her answer, she knew it right away.

She shake her head and chortled. "Yes, I'm with Jimin."

Jungkook's eyes flickered as soon as he heard it.

"Ah, really?"

Chaeyoung nodded cutely. "He's prolly on the meat section, he told me that he will get a pork belly. Do you wanna see him?"

"Ha? N-no it's okay. I'm sure he won't be glad to see me after all what happened." He scratched his nape and letting out a nervous and awkward laugh.

But sure he do want to see him. He fucking missed his man so bad.

And of course, she's Park Chaeyoung. If you say no, it's a yes for her.

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