Chapter 13

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author's note: into temptation ranked #172 in jikook and #52 in temptation, thank you so much it really means a lot to me :(((


"You should at least be friendly with him," Seokjin says and I expectantly look at him.

"That is what I'm doing, if you can see."

I rest my arm at the countertop undoubtedly spotting Jimin and Hoseok across the room. I watch as his eyes almost disappears from laughing, easily getting along with Hoseok because they attended the same university and I cringe at that sight.

"He's really doing it for money, huh." Seokjin states, pertaining to Jimin when he accepted my offer because the pay is great.

"Then I'm giving it to him,"

Seokjin heft his wineglass for a toast.

"Is he poor?" He asks, looking at Jimin's direction and waiting for my answer.

"I don't think so. He has a sister who works at Taehyung's bar for a part time job, but it seems like they're living  comfortably enough for the two of them to eat 3 times a day just like an average person does," I continuously explain.

"Have you met his sister?" Seokjin looks at me curiously asking questions about Jimin out of nowhere.

I nods. "Yeah, she's really nice....and talks too much," I chuckle when I suddenly remember how she suddenly blabber everything to me about Jimin because she thinks that I'm his brother's boyfriend. Lol. I just wanna laugh whenever I remember it.

A smile creeps on his face. And I know that look. That kind of look.

"Was she hot?" He carries on. "She's still studying right? How old is she?"

I had to roll my eyes for the million times. He's literally interrogating me about her.

"You're too young to be her sugar daddy," I laugh and then kick his knee.

After that, he's laughing so hard and even wipes the forming tears from his eyes.

"Seriously? Those words coming from you?" He asks, still wiping the tears that' flowing down to his face. He's literally crying because of that.

"What? Judge all you want but at least I didn't take an interest on a girl who's 4 years younger than me,"

He archs a brow then laugh. "Because you're gay?"

"The fuck, I'm not gay." I defend. He shrugs and sips his wine.

"Sure. Fool yourself," Seokjin says before leaving me alone and join Hoseok and Jimin. "Go talk to Taehyung, he'll believe you if you tell him that,"

When Jimin asked Seokjin what does he do in life and Taehyung told him, a gay porn star, he fuck guys for living. I think of that, maybe it would be more easy to be a porn star and fuck guys, at least that job won't bring any problems to me, unlike to my situation right now being a CEO, you'll enjoy it for a bit, more money, more girls. It's just a cycle, then suffer a lot later. Still, that doesn't mean I'm bisexual nor gay.

It's really just surprising that I don't have interest in girls these days just because of what that fucking Seulgi bitch did. Because usually, if I'm mad, frustrated or something, the only answer to that is sex.


It's almost dinner and Seokjin asked me if we're going to eat dinner here, but I'd rather ask Jimin first who's literally pacing back and forth at the living room, holding his phone and trying to call someone but that someone doesn't seem to be available because he look pissed.

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