The Story of a Reaper- Day four

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"Oh gosh! Was he okay?" Blue asked. Dust stretched his arms up then rested them on the head of the couch, his arm behind Blue's back. "Yeah, besides the deep cuts, he was alright, plus he got paid a lot more for that stunt!" Dust said, Blue hummed still a little worried, but relieved that BP was alright that day...

Dust held Blue shoulder, as Blue jumped just a little, his arm was unexpected. Dust pulled Blue closer to him and looked at his eyes. His sharp, thin, bloodthirsty eyes. Blue was a bit nervous looking at them. Dust gave a sentimental smile to Blue, making his eyes seem softer and warm.

" know I care about you...right?" Dust asked, "Uhm...Yes," Blue replied, "You know I would never hurt you on purpose...or unless ordered to...right?" Dust said. Blue nodded, "You know if we ever fight...I'd always go a bit easy on you...right?" Dust asked.

"Yes? Where are all these questions coming from?" Blue asked. Dust bit his bottom lip, in a bit of need,  or want. His face looked a bit scared. "I just...need you to know that...your probably my first..." Dust stopped midsentence, "Your probably the first person I've ever gotten close to..." Dust sugarcoated what he really means.

Blue smiled and plopped his head on Dust's shoulder, "I'm glad..." Blue said with a warm smile. Dust smirked a little and quickly stretched, putting his arm around Blue. Blue didn't really mind, and that made Dust happy.

Lust and Horror had gone to Horrortale, and seeing the AU, was a bit eye shocking. Everyone was poor, and starving, but lived anyways...

They tried there best to share, and not let the hunger take control of them. It really was a sad scene. Lust was offered food, but he declined it all, afraid that they might starve if he ate their food.

It was nice of Lust to understand and respect Horror home AU and the struggle they're going through.

Lust wasn't allowed to go anywhere without Horror, since everyone's on the verge of cannibalism, so to protect Lust, he'd always stalk, and watch over Lust with and without him knowing he's watching...

It was pleasant to be protected, but a little weird that he was being stalked...

Lust and Horror tried feeding as many people as they could, everyone thanked them for there generosity, and others would try and come up to them and ask for more food, but when they didn't because everyone needed to eat, they started to argue and try to steal other people food.

Good thing Horror was watching them all...

Cross stayed with Nightmare, having nowhere to go. Nightmare explained everything to Cross, how Reaper doesn't want to be apart of the team...he felt awful for what he did...he admitted to being selfish, and an arrogant prick...he just wanted his friend back

Cross understood and tried his best to comfort Nightmare, staying by his side as long as Nightmare wanted him...

Curfew soon hit where Reaper, Frisk, Night, and Geno where. Reaper was getting really worried for Geno. Frisk and Night had ripped a bit of the blanket, left to go wet the piece of the blanket to put it on Geno forehead.

It felt as if Geno was having some sort of fever. Was it from the dirt? The disgusting food? Reaper wasn't too sure. He tried cooling Geno down by blowing air on him.

Throughout the whole day, the few words Geno said in his sleep was, 'Dirty' 'Brother' and 'Killer' whatever that meant.

But when the sun started to come down, after the sky cleared from its grey dark look, Frisk asked a question laying on Night stomach. "Hey, Reaper?" Frisk asked. Reaper looked at Frisk, Geno laying on his own belly.

"Do you love Geno? Like LOVE love him?" Frisk asked. Reaper hummed at the thought of it all. He really enjoyed Geno, and wanted to keep him safe, "In a way...I do" Reaper admitted. Frisk sat up, "Why don't you tell him?" Frisk asked Reaper looked away in a saddened look, "I don't really think they feel the same way...not yet at least, if you get what I mean," Reaper said, "What? Just because Geno's a tsundere, doesn't mean they don't love you back!" Frisk said, "I guess your right...just...not yet...when I do know, I want the moment to be perfect..." Reaper said.

Frisk looked in determination, "I'll see if I can get Geno to tell me if he likes you! That is when he wakes up..." Frisk said, "Thanks," Reaper told Frisk, "Anything for a friend!" Frisk said with a wink and a thumbs up.

Reaper chuckled at Frisk. "Hey! When Geno wakes up, can I tell him we kissed to see if he gets jealous???" Frisk said with an evil grin, "Well...Geno will probably beat my ass for doing so to you, but I guess if it's to see if he likes me..." Reaper said, looking away from Frisk, blushing a little from the embarrassment that he kissed Frisk.

Frisk seemed to have gotten over it all.

"Anyways, it's getting late, we should sleep..." Reaper said, "Okay then," Frisk said, laying back down on Night stomach, "Goodnight Reaper..." Frisk said before closing their eyes...


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