The Story of a Reaper- Day three

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Ink let Dream go, as he took off his oven gloves that he had on his hands, and placed them on the counter. "Why wouldn't I be okay? Everyone is okay!...mostly" Dream said with a weakened smile.

"Mostly?" Ink questioned, "Well...Geno got stabbed by my brother, I'm not sure if they're still alive...Reaper exploded, and your home...everything is probably gone..." Dream explained.

Ink looked a bit saddened. Dream quickly held onto Ink hands and looked him in the eye, positivity radiating off of him to Ink.

"But don't worry! Everything will grow back and we'll fix everything up! Promise!" Dream said.

Ink smiled, and giggled, "I love how positive you are Dream!" Ink said with a bright smile. Dream smiled with Ink.

"Anyways! Since everyone is alright, I better start working on a new AU for all of us, huh!" Ink said with a smile, about to leave, before Dream grabbed Ink's hand.

"Wait! I..." Dream said. Ink turned and looked at Dream, "What is it?" Ink asked, "Well...I-I...I need to ask you something!" Dream said.

Dream let Ink hand go, as Ink waited for Dream to say what he wants. "Ink...I like you a I make you happy?" Dream asked, "Of course you don't!" Ink said with a grin.

"W-what?!" Dream exclaimed, "I can't feel real emotions, we already established this...unless you forgot?" Ink asked, tilting his head.

Dream gave an angry look, and grabbed Ink sash. He forced it off of Ink. "Woah! What the hell are you doing?!" Ink yelled, his eyes turning red in anger.

Dream threw the sash to the other side of the room, and held both of Ink hand. "I can offer you TRUE HAPPINESS!" Dream yelled at Ink with a serious expression.

Ink looked at Dream and laughed, "Nothing can make me feel!...Hahahaha! What is up with these confessions?" Ink questioned, "First Error! Now you?! What's next? I reject your love and NIGHTMARE decides to want to get up in my shorts? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Ink laughed, "I can't...I can't love...stop rubbing it in my face..." Ink said.

"That's the thing! With happiness comes love! I can make you experience love...happiness...I can help you..." Dream said. "You see...whenever I want, I can radiate happiness from my body...from my soul...I can make you happy, like you make me happy!" Dream said.

Ink looked at Dream nice warm smile. His golden eyes.

Ink hummed, "Dream I-"

"Don't use the excuse of not having a soul! If I could, I'd give you half of my soul! I'm giving you a feel real, happy emotions if you like me back! FOR REAL! Give me a chance..." Dream begged.

"I hear talk about Error...a lot. I'm happy you guys can get along and all, but...I don't know... I guess I'm being selfish...I want to talk to you all the time! Mess around, and...just enjoy your company... What is it that Error has that I don't?... I can be entertaining, I can make things didn't accepted Error confession without hesitating did you?...but please...considered... My love..." Dream told Ink, looking down.

Ink stood there for a second, and tighten his grip around Dream hands. Ink smiled, "...I like you back..." Ink said. Dream looked up in shock, thinking Ink was going to say no, but he actually said yes!

"You mean it?" Dream asked, Ink nodded. Dream hugged Ink. The feelings of happiness...TRUE happiness flooded Ink.

The colors of green, yellow, and orange were mixed up inside...everything seemed brighter and his body felt lighter. He felt he could do anything for a second. Everything was beautiful art to Ink...this is what it meant to be happy...

Ink hugged Dream closer, the intensity of this feeling kept growing.

Ink was happy he was using Dream for feelings...better that those vials.

He felt bad for Error though, how will he react that he picked Dream over him...

As the finished hugging, although Ink wanted to hug more, Dream pecked Ink on the cheek with a tall smile. "I'm so glad your mine...and I'm yours!" Dream said, "Y-Yeah..." Ink said.

Dream let go of Ink hands and walked over to the sash and picked it up. "Oh gosh!" Dream gasped. He turn to Ink as the vials were dripping, cracks in them all.

"I'm so sorry Ink!" Dream said, Ink chuckled "Its fine...its fixable, and I'll get more paint later!" Ink said, walking up to Dream, "Are you sure?" Dream asked, "I'm sure..." Ink said with a soft smile.

Dream softly smiled back. The feeling of someone calling Ink rushed in his bones, felt like it was coming from Error.

"Uhm...Dream I'll be right back, okay?" Ink said. Dream looked a bit saddened, but nodded. Ink went outside the house and opened a portal to the antivoid.

Ink looked around, "Error?!" Ink called. Blue strings surrounded Ink and hung him up a little from the ground.

Error then teleported to Ink, his jacket was off, while he held it, with something in the jacket. "Hey Ink...while we were talking, we didn't do anything intense right?" Error asked, "Of course not! We just talked is all," Ink answered, "So why do I not remember fucking you and having kids?" Error asked.

"Wha-? What are you talking about?" Ink asked. Error pushed a bit of the jacket, revealing two baby bones.

"I found these two drowning in you ink, and suffocating in my strings...I should of let them perish, but I could let them die...I'm not that low to kill a baby, or a pregnant lady in cold blood, that just not destroying an AU is different! So don't say anything about that!" Error yelled.

Error let Ink go from the strings letting him land safely on the ground. "Well!...I'd probably remember slamming your ass, but I never that!" Ink said, "Hey! Why am I on the bottom?!" Error yelled, "Because I'm clearly more manlier than you!" Ink chuckled, Error growled glitched growls.

"Well, I called you to take them! I can't take care of kids! I can barely take care of myself!" Error exclaimed.

"What?! I don't!-" Ink stopped...there's always Blue and Dream. He sighed, "Fine..." Ink said. Error gave Ink the two baby bones, "I can only hope you don't kill them, because I surely would of!" Error said, "I know that! And I'd probably kill them as well! So I'm gonna get Dream and Blue to help me!" Ink said, opening a portal back to Dreamtale.

Error and Ink said goodbye, as Ink came back inside Dream house.

"Hey Dream! Look what I have!" Ink yelled.

Reaper was sitting outside the cave as Geno slept in the blanket and pillows. Frisk and Night played with each other. Night pouncing Frisk, showing them the wolf life as Reaper watched.

It reminded him when he was a pup and played with Night like that...even though they didn't touch each other, Reaper would copy Night was the most fun.

The dirt on the ground was soft enough for Frisk and Night to rough play, pushing and shoving. They seemed to have fun.

Reaper smiled...

Geno was groaning quietly in his sleep, his body got hot, something was wrong...

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