22: Parents night

Start from the beginning

Nate just shrugs his shoulders while I make my way over to my bedroom so I could change and leave for my first class. "Dad?" I put the phone close to my ear while trying to sit down at the bed without falling asleep. 

I had barely any sleep last night since Nate wanted to watch a horror movie together. I had only agreed to watch it if he would kiss me during the scary parts. It ended with us kissing more than seeing one piece of the movie, not that I was mad about that but hearing those screams didn't make me love the kiss more.

"We are close to your college so we thought that we could have lunch together since you don't have any classes at this moment. I wouldn't mind seeing my daughter for a bit before I get back to Europe for work." I could practically scream at my dad for trying to make me feel bad.

"I would love to see you guys. We can go to Betty's diner close to my college. They have amazing burgers and milkshakes that mom loves so much." I close my eyes thinking of those days that I had spend hours in diners like that, waiting for my mother to pick me up because my nanny had to work at the diner after her nanny hours.

"That is an incredible idea of you. We are looking forward to seeing you soon, Alexandra." My dad had never said my short name since he found it for guys only. "See you soon dad." 

Before I could say anything else he had put me in wait because I was once again met with that amazing sound you hear at that moment. I knew that he had forgotten about his daughter once again when he got another call for the company. I wasn't even sure that they would show up later on so I had to make sure someone was willing to come with me.

"Alex, are you crying? Baby why are you crying? You can tell me everything, you know that right? I can punch Nate if you want that." Olivia her hands were wrapped around my shoulders, pulling me closer to her. I didn't even realise that I was crying while talking to my father, I just hope that he didn't hear my crying voice then. 

Either way, he didn't bother asking me about it if he did.

"My dad called me and he wants to go for lunch later." I slowly look up seeing everybody stand inside my room with a sad smile on their face. Nate was on his knees in front of me trying to comfort me. "What can I do, little one?"

"You could come to lunch with me and my parents." He looks scared at me while all the others are just trying not to laugh with him. I had met Nate his parents all the time, I even had a shopping day with his mother once she got back from the hospital. She had trusted me with a lot of stories of little Nate while she bought a scarf to hide her bald head. I had been there for her during those days she didn't want to be treated like a sick person and watched some reality show with her.

I had seen her as a mother that I never had in my life. I had showed her all the paintings I did with the stories behind it while drinking some non-alcoholic drinks. I had even drawn her when she found herself looking like the ugliest she had ever been so I could tell her that she was the strongest person that I had ever met in my life. I had seen her as an example on how I want to be in my life.

"I would love to do that." I let a little chuckle leave my mouth when I see the fake smile on Nate his face. "Can you work on that smile for the rest of the day to make it look a bit more enthusiastic?" Nate nods his head at me while leaning his head closer to me. 

Nate had been someone who I could rely on whenever the world around me was collapsing. He had been there for me when I didn't want to talk to someone but he also has been here for me when I couldn't stop ranting about the things that happened to me. He always makes time for me when I call him even when he is at practice and coach is getting mad at him. 

He was my rock.


Nate his hand laid at my thigh to make my knee stop bouncing in the car. I had never been this nervous before to meet my parents since I got used to them telling me what of a failure I am. I had changed into a cocktail dress since my parents had cancelled lunch at Betty's diner when my mother had found out it was some college place.

We were on our way to one of those restaurants where you get a bit of food for a lot of money. Some of the places that I went to when I was a little child because my parents wanted to show the money they had. I had gotten to places like that with a colour book in my hands while they had a business diner and no nanny for me for the night.

"Why did you stop driving? I don't want to be late at the restaurant Nate." I feel Nate his other hand at my cheek making me look at him. I could see those eyes that every single person gave me when they know how my parents treat me. I was scared to tell him that it was going to get worst when he would really meet them and they will judge every move that he did.

"Please calm down for a second. This is not good for your heart little one." I let go of a deep breath while slowly opening my eyes again to see Nate smile at me. I had taken him for granted today, he had been texting me each single outfit he had in his closet because he wanted to look decent enough to meet my parents. He even had searched up some more information about my parents company so he wouldn't look like a jerk, his words.

"I love you, you know that right? Your parents opinion is not going to change that if that is why you are so scared for me to meet them. I will always love you for who you are, the girl I fell in love with in the first place." I feel his other hand at my other cheek while they cupped them slowly making me smile at him. He was the only person that could make the worst day in my life in one of those days I could accept for being crappy.

"So what do you think of me thanking you in a special way." I could see the confusion in his eyes while I took my belt of and got to his seat with my legs wrapped around his waist. I was not going to make a scene in the car but I did want to feel him as close as possible because I wasn't sure how tonight would go. My parents could make him change his mind about me so I just want to make this a night to remember for the both of us.

"As much as I love this, I don't think that we can be late at the restaurant. I know that your parents are crap but I do want to give them a good impression of me." I feel his hands stop right above my butt while staring at me with lust in his eyes. We had never done it before in a car so it would be something I can get of my bucket list if he would give me the chance.

"You are going to miss out on something good, may I tell you that. I don't think that we are going to have another opportunity for this to happen again." Nate closes his eyes while pushing me away from him. I could almost hear his thoughts debating on what he should be doing to me right now. Or what he could been doing to me if he wouldn't care about what my parents thought about him.

"Why do you love making it hard for me? I am just a guy trying to make a good impression on the parents of the girl he loves but she loves to make it hard for him to look this good." I leave a little kiss behind at his neck making the grip around my waist get tighter. I heard a groan leave his mouth when I found his sweet spot by leaving another kiss behind.

"Fuck your parents. If they can cancel a lunch than we can come late for dinner." Before I could say anything else, I felt his hands at my butt pulling the dress up that had raised up during those five minutes of him debating whether he should make me kiss him or not. I knew that finding his sweet spot would make him go crazy and let me do what I was thinking of doing to him since the moment he stood in front of my house wearing dressing pants and a tight button-up.

"You don't have to say more." I heard my phone buzzing in my bag while Nate just kept kissing my neck to the place right above my breast. Leaving little kisses behind but no marks because I did have to see my parents like that and I don't think he wants to explain that to my parents. It is not that they would care about it, they would only care about what other people might think if I would have walked inside that restaurant like that.

Assistant of dad: I am afraid to say that your parents are not going to make it to the appointment. They are very sorry and would love to make it up to you by giving you some money for your art supplies. Have a good night further miss Ramirez

"It looks like they didn't even make it themselves." Before Nate could say anything else to me, I had placed my hand at his pants so he would forget about being a nice boyfriend to me right now. I wanted to feel him close to me because I needed to get things get out of my head. I want him to tell me with no words that I do am good enough and worth to be loved by someone.

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